The Summer of Us

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The summer had just begun as the morning came as soon as they fell asleep underneath the stars. The king was preparing for an event that only he and a few others knew about. When he looked down at his watch it was nine in the morning at Torta and time for him to grab his bags, to say hello to his kingdom.

Captain Sweene

(Standing next to King Turner) We will be in the port in fifteen minutes my King.

King Turner

Wonderful Sweene, I'll go wake the kids and please call me Turner.

Captain Sweene

Turner, I will never understand why you treat us the way you do.

King Turner

No one will ever understand and that makes me a good person, not king. (Walks onto the deck) Jac, Teua grab your things.


(Jumps up) Teua get up we're almost there!


(Yawns) Okay fine I'm up. (Stands up and rubs eyes) This is what you see when you come home?


Every time and it gets better each time I see it.

Mountains and waterfalls were lined up to the entrance of the Kingdom of Torta. Families had boats out in the sea, as children jumped in the water, and swam to other boats. As their boat passed people they waved to the King and Prince as if they were friends, not as if he was their leader.


(Turns to King) They look at you as a friend, not a leader. Does that not offend you?

King Turner

I am no more than a man with a title. They are my people, my family, and we Teua are just like them we just have a title but don't forget it can be taken away. Then you will be just like them


(Hugs King Turner) They are forever our people. (Points to the castle) We're home!

The Princess, Prince, and King all stood on the deck as they watched the castle get closer and closer. They were greeted by a young surfer who splashed Jac when turning. When they finally reached their destination the surfer was there waiting but Teuta had a few comments to say before.


(Looks around) This place is absolutely stunning. (Turns to King) I'll need that list, Mr. Turner.

King Turner

(Intrigued) I'll have it ready for you by morning.


Enough flower talk, come on let me show you the palace then your room.


(Follows Jac and notices the castle) I forgot that your kingdom's colors were blue, white, and pink.


Yeah, they aren't the manliest colors but I look good in pink. (Takes her hand) At first, I thought to keep this as a surprise but I thought I should show you it now.

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