Me before You

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The boat ride back to school was entirely too quiet. Teuta slept the entire ride and Jac fidgeted because of the unsure fate of their friendship. The King was concerned, the two friends were never this distant. Once they arrived at school around five that morning they had three hours to prepare for class. The captain ported the boat and they all exchanged goodbyes.


(Hugs King Turner) Thank you for the best summer ever. I won't ever forget it.

King Turner

Thank you for the garden. I'll always honor it. (Hands her bellflower) For you princess.


(Takes the flower and smell it) Just call me when you want another garden, I'll be more than happy to make the trip. (Picks up bag and steps aside)


Alright father, looks like this is your last drop off.

King Turner

(Hugs him and whispers) Something tells me that this isn't my last.


Until something changes, it's your last drop off. See you in ten months.

King Turner

(Smiles) See you then son, love you kid.


(Laughs) Love you too old man. (King Turner laughs)

Jac grabs his own and Teuta's bags and they walk back to the campus as King Turner leaves to head back to Torta. Jac is thinking about this being his last year while Teuta's thinking about her best friend leaving her all over again. They reach the dorms and change starts at that moment. They both head to their room for class starts tomorrow.

The next day Teuta got ready for class and grabbed breakfast. Normally she would stop by the sea shop but she didn't feel like stopping by today. Instead, she went to class and met a transfer student on her way to class.


Pardon me, I'm new and I have absolutely no idea where I'm going.


(Walks up to her) No worries, do you have your schedule?


Yes, here you go. (Hands her schedule)


(Smiles) Well, you're in luck, this is your class right here. (Points to door)


Thank you so much! Oh, by the way, I'm Adah Keita.


Teuta Hartford, nice to meet you.


Hartford, as in Clive Hartford?


(Confused) I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the name.


Oh okay sorry about that, he's just a legend where I'm from. It would have been nice to meet one of his relatives. But hey maybe another time.

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