The Calm Before the Storm

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After going to doctor's visits alone for two because Clive was building the nursery, he joined her today. Not only were they pregnant they were having twins

Doctor Gibbs

Looks like you guys are going to have twins.

Queen Tetra

(Excited) The more the better! Don't you think so Clive? (Clive passes out)

As time went on the expanding family received good news. A new Prince and Princess would soon be welcomed into the Vera Dynasty

Captain Clive

(Sit's in rocking chair) A boy and a girl. My father would be in heaven right now knowing that. (Soft chuckles)

Queen Tetra

(Laughs) I can see your father teaching them how to play swords and sail.

Captain Clive

And your mother would be dressing them up for a tea party in the garden. (Hugs) They would be proud of us.

Queen Tetra

Yeah, they would. (Smiles)

For the past eight months, Portman has been doing everything in his power to keep the pier safe. Although the storms have gotten worse and more souls keep coming, Portman has been strong. Serenity and Portman discuss the details of tonight's storms when a strange feeling came.


(Looks around then back at Portman) The storm won't be happening.


How do you know that?


(Looks at Castle) The dream is going to happen tonight.

With no storm in sight, the pier was now open to the public. But a different darkness was lingering, darkness that nobody could control.

Queen Tetra

(Kisses clive) Goodnight my love.

Captain Clive

(Yawns) Goodnight darling)

Not all things are glitter and glam when it comes to the marks. Only a few men ignore their purpose. They are given a chance to fulfill their purpose after the first chance. Nobody knows what happens after because of the pain it causes many men don't live to tell what happened.

Vera Dynasty January 22, 2003

Captain Clive

(Squirming and talking in sleep) No father, I need to protect her. (Concerned) Father what are you doing? No, no father I'll go back I will go back! (Wakes up gasping)

Queen Tetra

(Worried) Hey Clive, calm down it was just a dream nothing to worry about.

Captain Clive

(Gets out of bed) That's the problem there is something to worry about. For the past year, I set my purpose aside and bad things followed. I shall have no more of this.

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