The Beginning

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May 5, 1993, Vera Dynasty

Queen Temora

Captain Calvin, I am glad to be able to meet with you on behalf of my husband.

Captain Calvin

I am honored to be here with you. It is time that Pirates and Royals become allies so the sea can live in harmony.

Queen Temora

I couldn't agree more. I heard your son is admiring the scenery put front I will send my daughter to meet you then keep him company. (Looks to Atinne) Atinne will go fetch my daughter and have her come here.


Of course your majesty. (Walks to Tetra's room) Miss Tetra your mother would like to see you.

Princess Tetra

Thank you Atinne. I'll come right now. (Walks down to the office) Hello mother, you asked for me.

Queen Temora

Hello sweetie, I would like you to meet Captain Calvin.

Princess Tetra

It's lovely to meet you, Captain, I'm Tetra.

Captain Calvin

(Kisses her hand) Nice to meet you as well. My son is in the garden and I would love for you to show him around.

Princess Tetra

I would love to show him around. If you'll excuse me I will go and find him. ( Walks out of the room and enters the garden) Hello there!

Clive Hartford had the looms of Royalty and the personality of a sailor. Luckily enough for him most people only saw those two things in him. If they knew he was the son of a pirate they would shy away from him. Clive never wanted a family or a wife, just a ship and the sea. When he met Tetra that changed quickly.


Hi, I'm Clive and you are?

Princess Tetra

I'm Princess Tetra and you are standing in my garden.


(Worried) Am I standing on any fruit or flower? I'm sorry you know just used to the water.

Princess Tetra

(Giggles) You're just standing on regular grass. Would you like me to show you around?


(Blushes) I'd like that.

Princess Tetra

(Walks around) Have you ever been on this side of the kingdom before?


Um, to be honest, I haven't been near any kingdom I kind of travel on Pirate infested land. I thrive better around chaos and dirt, so this is all kind of uncomfortable.

Princess Tetra

(Laughs) Well if it's any correlation I've never been on Pirate infested land so that would be uncomfortable for me.


(Sighs) I kind of assumed you had never been near that type of scene. If it means anything to you, your kingdom is really beautiful so thanks for the invite.

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