"you guys! get down from there!" the blond man from earlier called out to your friends on the armored titan. 

through the small crack, you could see and hear a hoard of footsteps approaching you all. you assumed that it was another fleet of horses with even more scouts and artillery, until you saw the tall beings chasing after the horses. 

titans. the titans were being led to the armored titan. 

you heard the sound of odm gear being used and all of your friends flew off of the armored titan, most likely back to their horses to avoid the titan crowd coming their way. reiner held onto bertholdt even tighter, bracing himself and trying to protect the three of you as best as possible; he knew that ymir would give an arm an a leg to protect krista, this was a given. 

he began charging against the titans, doing his best to fight them off with pure strength and running away as quickly as he could. you couldn't see what was going on outside, but with reiner stopping in his tracks, you knew that the titans had successfully stopped reiner. 

you started panicking in bertholdt's arms. you didn't want to die, and you certainly didn't want to die because of a titan. you mentally cursed at yourself for accidentally getting into the situation. 

you heard a guttural yell that most likely came from reiner and it rang in your ears. you knew that he was scared and you were disgusted at yourself for even offering him your sympathy. 

you were sick of it. sick of the titans. sick of being captured. sick of being away from home. you knew that bertholdt and reiner were also sick of it as well. maybe they were forced into doing this. 

outside of the titans, you could hear the soldiers yell, their cries grabbing the attention of some of the titans. 

no, there were simply too many titans. just how many people were going to die trying to bring back you and eren? eren was a top priority, but there was a sinking feeling in your chest that you were partially responsible for their foreshadowed deaths. 

the hands that protected bertholdt and you and eren came off and started punching away all of the titans. you tried your best to cling onto bertholdt, desperate to not fall or get grabbed by a titan. eren, by now, had stopped off of his movements. 

your eyes scanned for the scouts, who were trying to catch up to the horde of titans, trying to look for your friends, uncle erwin, or even your aunt hanji. it wasn't until you saw a titan that started running through the horde, dragging a blond man along with him, his right arm being dragged off while his left arm held out his sword. 

it was your uncle erwin. 

you started panicking even more. this couldn't be. you couldn't bear to see you uncle get dragged off like that. was this your fault? were you going to lead all of these soldiers to their downfall? countless soldiers were being put to death, being dragged off horses and eaten by mindless titans while you sat helpless. 

were you even useful to the scouts? your brain offered too many negative answers for you to stay properly focused on what was happening, which made you feel even worse. at least you had the privilege of getting rescued; many of the soldiers here did not. 

it was a complete and utter bloodbath. 

it wasn't until you heard a set of odm gear racing behind you, the familiar red scarf offering you slight comfort. mikasa had managed to catch up with the armored titan and began flying towards bertholdt. her sights most likely to get eren first and foremost, you were probably just a secondary target. 

berholdt moved out of her way, which led her to flying out of the armored titan's away. you wished that bertholdt hadn't moved, but you knew that he must've had a reason for taking the both of you anyway. 

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