chapter 36

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-Thor: Ragnarok-

"Skurge, open the Bifrost. Thor needs me. I'm his friend" I try saying and look at the sky. I wait for a moment and almost decide to go back to Steve when a rainbow light lifts me into he sky. I land in a familiar place and look around.

"Who are you?" Skurge asked me.

"Doesn't matter. Is Thor here yet?" I ask, looking at him.

"No, why?"

"I'm not late. Good" I say to myself and wait for Thor to come.


"Heimdall was an idiot" Skurge starts.

"Says you" I mumble to myself. He was talking to 2 girls about the Bifrost.

"This job should have made him rich" he continues "Now, the job ain't easy... But it does have its benefits. The Bifrost gives me access to everything the nine realms have to offer. I mean, it's all mine for the taking. Behold... My stuff"

"Ooh" one of the girls said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm particularly fond of these. I pulled them out of a place on Midgard called Texas. I even named them. Des and Troy. You see, when you put them together... They destroy"

"Heimdall?" I heard coming from the thing that you put the sword in.

"Um... Skurge? Is that important?" One of the girls said.

"Skurge, the sword, now!" I say and he gives me the sword.

"You girls are in for a treat" Skurge said.

I put the sword in the thing and twisted the sword. A moment later, Thor came in with a dragon head following him. I pushed the blood away from me and looked at Thor.

"Thor, my clothes could have gotten dragon blood on them" I say and look at them.

"Lady Y/N! Oh, it's wonderful to see you. How did you get here?"

"Same as you, this idiot opened the Bifrost for me" I say, pointing to Skurge.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to pop in. Thanks for scaring away my company and drenching my workplace in brains" Skurge said, walking towards me and Thor. I roll my eyes again and evaporate the blood.

"There" I say and hug Thor.

"Whose your friend?" he asked looking at me.

"This is my friend, lady Y/N. Who are you?" Thor asked, looking at Skurge.

"Don't you remember? I'm Skurge. We fought together on Vanaheim" Skurge said.

"Right. Where's Heimdall?" Thor asked.

"That traitor. No one knows. He's a fugitive of the throne" Skurge said and my blood started to boil a bit.

"Traitor" Thor asked.

"No, he's not. Thor he got fired which means 'Odin' didn't want Heimdall to work for him" I say, looking at Thor, then down, then up again.

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