chapter 47

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Thor jumped to the bridge, landing on top of an army of skeletons as they tried to reach him. He fought them off, lightning decimating them as they ran to him. I looked around and saw Valkyrie coming forward and fighting skeletons that were coming to her. I was filled with glee as I fought and killed, helping anyone who needed my help. When all the skeletons on our side were dead, Thor walked up to us as we were all panting from exhaustion.

"You're late" Thor said.

"You're missing an eye" Loki said, gesturing to Thor's wound.

"This isn't over" Valkyrie said, walking in front of us.

"I think we should disband the Revengers" Thor said when we were all facing Hela.

"Hit her with a lightning blast" Loki said, pointing to Hela.

"I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing" Thor said. We all looked at her and she was walking towards us.

"We just need to hold her off until everyone's on board" I say, looking at all of them.

"It won't end there. The longer Hela's on Asgard,the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now" Thor said.

"So what do we do?" Valkyrie asked.

"I'm not doing 'Get Help'" Loki said and I snickered. Thor took a step forward, looked back and then looked towards Hela.

"Asgard's not a place, it's a people" Thor said and there was a pause "Loki... This was never about stopping Ragnarok. This was about causing Ragnarok. Surtur's crown, the vault. It's the only way" Thor said, looking at Loki.

"Bold move, brother. Even for me" Loki said.

"Shall we?" Thor asked me and Valkyrie.

"After you" Valkyrie said.

Thor went for Hela first, striking her with lightning and pushing her on the ground. She got up but Valkyrie kicked her in the face. Hela blocked Valkyrie and tossed her to the side. I jumped at Hela and trapped her in a ball of fire. She threw a spear at me and It got lodged into my arm. I pulled it out and continued fighting, using all the elements to attack her. Thor comes and starts fighting her again, giving me time to heal myself. I got up and started attacking with Valkyrie.

"Go! Go, now!" Thor yelled at Heimdall. Heimdall nodded his head and the ship started flying.

Hela got a spike and hit Thor in the chest, pulling him back. She used bigger spikes to hold down the ship, making them come out of the water. Skeletons were climbing onto the ship but were stopped by Skurge as he used the guns he got from earth. He called out to Hela and shot the skeletons dead. There was a clear path for him to go to Hela but she strikes him in the chest with a dagger. I got up and walked forward a bit, ready to attack but she kicks me down. I lay on the floor, unable to move.

"Y/N! Hela, enough!" Thor yells, coming to me "You want Asgard, It's yours" Thor helped me up and I was struggling to stand.

"Whatever game you're playing, it won't work. You can't defeat me" Hela said and I held my side in pain.

"No, I know. But he can" Thor said, pointing to a massive Surtur.

I look back and see Surtur destroying the palace with a sword he got from nowhere. I mean seriously, these people have magic. Where the hell did he get that sword? Did he use an accio spell or something? I'm so confused.

"No" Hela said, looking at the destruction Surtur was causing.

Valkyrie got up and stabbed Hela in the stomach. Thor made a lightning blast and shot Hela, making a bit of the bridge fall.

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