Best friend pt 2 (Katsumi x Male!reader)

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You questioned nervously, unable to focus.

The taste of him lingered on your lips as you lay there in disbelief.

Did he...

Just kiss you?

He licked his lips, both hands firmly keeping a hold on your wrists.


The way he murmured your name under his breath-

The amount of self control it took to not scream in triumph.

You had a chance?!

He was gay! Or at the very LEAST bisexual.

Your breathing had grown heavier, and you shifted uncomfortably.

The way he was straddling you was cause for some....awkward sensations down south and you were praying he didn't feel it.

This only made him smirk before leaning down to your face again.

His teeth caught your lower lip, tugging on it gently before he mischievously rolled his hips, making you jerk in surprise.

Your breath caught in your throat, a strangled gasping noise escaping.

Somehow you managed to tear your wrists away, rolling the both of you over- and now it was Katsumi who was pinned, a look of surprise crossing his features.

His breath quickened, and he squirmed around beneath you.

"Can you hear my heartbeat fucking kickin'?"

He rasped softly, making you look up at him.

"I swear it's pounding in my ear's."

He whispered softly, catching his lower lip between his teeth as he looked up at you.


Unable to resist the scene in front of you, you raised your hand to his face, pulling his lower lip free from its confines.

Gritting your teeth you forced a deep breath into your lungs, trying to find any semblance of self-control.

"You have no Idea what your doing to me right now Katsumi..."

You began.

"This is dangerous territory."

Katsumi smiled lazily.

"And here I thought you liked danger."

"Is risking our friendship worth it though?"

You questioned softly, cupping his neck in your hand, making him inhale sharply.

Katsumi pulled himself into a sitting position, your hand still pressed against his neck.

He leaned in close enough that your noses brushed and your heart skipped a beat.

"I'd say your worth the honestly have no idea how I feel about you do you?"

You stayed quiet.

His thumb brushed your chin.

"I mean...I didn't realize it at first obviously- I mean in the beginning I just thought I cared about you like a friend should but honestly-"

Katsumi paused for a moment, carefully contemplating his words.

"I didn't come to realize until the thought of your lips on anyone elses weighs more than my muscles can take. The thought of that bothered me so much more then I thought it should."

The raven-haired man took a deep breath- still somewhat afraid to say it clearly.

"I thought- I thought you were straight and tonight made me realize that I might actually have a chance, y"know?"

Katsumi smiled nervously.

"And yeah it is risky...Trust me when I say I know that. You think I wasn't scared that you'd reject me? You think I wasn't aware that because we're friends that it just might not happen because we're scared that we might fuck up what we already have? That we might not ever be able to be together?"

His gaze bore deeply into yours.

"Maybe we never will but...ever since I met you all I knew was that you made me believe that everything's worth a shot."

The asian man shook his head.

"I'm not asking you to sacrifice your pride-"

Before he utter another sentence you'd made good use of the hold you had on his neck, pulling forward into a deep, desire-filled kiss.

It wasn't long before you'd pushed him onto his back once more, your hands holding his wrists in place as you pinned your body against his, making him moan softly.

(Hmmmm....part 3?😉😏 also Dom or sub reader?)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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