Clean (Doyle x reader)

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(I saw this Idea in the comment section of another book and I just had to do it. Enjoy!)

It'd been a long and stressful day.

You'd had quite enough.

Your boyfriend wasn't home yet so you took the opportunity to have a little time to yourself.

The hot water felt amazing just running your fingers under it.

You lit some candles, setting them on the sink before stripping and allowing yourself to settle into the water.


It felt wonderful on your muscles.


"Y/n? You home?"

You sighed, stretching your arms above your head.

"Yeah, I'm in here."


Hector groaned, cracking his knuckles as he walked along to your house.


He'd been so close to tasting defeat before that Retsu fellow showed up.

Unlocking the door to your house he was surprised to not find you waiting for him.

"Huh...where could she be?"

He murmured.


He called

"-You home?"

"Yeah, I'm in here."

Your voice replied softly from the bathroom.


That was odd.

It didn't look like any of the lights were on in there.

Making his way over to the bathroom he cracked the door open, peeking his head in.

The bathroom was lit by a soft orange glow emitting from the candles, but also making your damp skin appear to have a golden hue.

Quite an enticing and erotic display.

You seemed rather oblivious to it however.


You murmured softly.

"How was your day?"

Doyle found the words caught in his throat though only for a moment.

"Well enough..."

He stated simply, eyeing you from the doorway.

"-and you?"

He questioned, obviously referring to the current setting.


You replied with a sigh, sliding down into the tub further.

"I can see that..."

Doyle chuckled, licking his chapped lips.

"Maybe I can help you with that..."

He mumbled, a small smirk pulling at his lips as he made his way over, pushing the door closed behind him.

Before you could react he was pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it on the floor, revealing his toned upper body covered in scratches and bruises.

"Had fun today, Did you?"

You mumbled making him grin.

"I'm about to have a whole lot more..."

Baki! OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora