Hair (Yujiro x reader)

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You sighed softly, leaning back in the armchair in the hotel room you shared with your boyfriend.

He'd gone straight to the shower after he got back, not giving you so much as a hello but honestly you were used to this.

Though normally when this occured something had happened.

Finally you heard the shower stop running.

You didn't look up until the door to the bathroom opened.

The walked casually, dripping wet across the floor.

Sneaking a glance an Idea popped into your head.


You stated simply.

The man was currently patting his skin dry with the towel, completely bare.


He questioned firmly, a little annoyed.

"Let me dry and brush your hair."

You replied, knowing well that the man hated it when people didn't get to the point or tried beating around the bush.

Which happened pretty frequently considering a lot of people got nervous around Yujiro.

"Oh? And why would you want to do that?"

He questioned, feigning non interest.

"Just trying to get a nuisance task out of your way really."

You replied softly, leaning onto your knuckles and finally looking over at him with little to no fear.

"And if I say no?"

You shrugged.

"Okay then, your hair, your choice."

You replied.

"If I say yes?"

"I'll do it for you."

"And if what you do displeases me?"

He questioned, leaning back and crossing his arms.

A small smile worked it's way onto your face and you couldn't resist yourself shrugging dramatically with your hands on either side of your head, palms open to the ceiling.

A small smile worked it's way onto your face and you couldn't resist yourself shrugging dramatically with your hands on either side of your head, palms open to the ceiling

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"Guess I'll die."

Yujiro quirked a brow at you.

"Is that supposed to be some sort of a joke little one? Because if it isn't I'll have you know if you die on me I will resurrect your ass so I can kill you again."

"But if I'm trying to die?"

You joked again making the man scoff and groan.

"Just be quiet and brush my hair."

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