Challenge (Sikorsky x reader)

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Okay so you were a little short.

Pretty normal occurrence in japan- most girls here were pretty small.

You'd never really even thought about it until you met your boyfriend.

But that wasn't the part that bothered you.

It was that he always seemed to be the one to start things.


The one to make the first move.

You'd never ONCE tried to dominate the man but him being 6'3 and 220 pounds of muscle made that difficult.

That and you were kinda worried he wouldn't take you seriously.

You were a smol bean.

(And even if your not-compared to the height of all the Baki characters you sure as hell are, now sit down.)

And you knew it was stupid but...

You were worried that maybe you were boring him?

He'd never said anything about it and seemed happy enough.

Really it was probably just you that was concerned about this.

Hell, you even lived together now.

That day while your boyfriend was out you spent the time scouring the internet, looking for ways to spice it up a bit-

On incognito mode of course.

Maybe simple was the way to go?

Men really weren't that hard to please.

Best not to overcomplicate things.

Hmmmm... but you did have an

Sikorsky would probably try to take charge so... You'd have to make sure...

You smiled evilly.



"Y/n? I'm home!"

You were in the kitchen making dinner.

(You knew he liked it when you cooked for him.)

He smiled and walked over, having to bend down to kiss your cheek


You began softly, though your mind raced.

"How was your day?"

The russian man pulled you into a hug.

"It was just fine. And you?"

"P-Pretty good."

You replied, trying to keep calm so that you could put your plan into action.

If the large man suspected anything it would make your plan more difficult.

You needed him off guard.

You'd even gone so far as to make his favorites, study the russian recipes almost Religiously online.

Sikorskys eyes widened a bit noticing borscht, Pirozhki and Shashlyk on the table.

(It made me hungry doing research for this dammit.)

He smiled and chuckled.

You almost melted.

"Where'd you learn to make this? And what's the occasion?"

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