Soft (Sikorsky x reader)

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(A short little fluff☺- Fluffy, fluffy fluffy~💕 enjoy.)

"Is everything alright?"

"It is now that you're in here with me."

You murmured, rolling over in your shared bed to look at him.

"I was just worried cause it was getting pretty late so I stayed up until you got home."

Sikorsky sighed but peeled his jacket of with a chuckle.

"Baby you didn't have to do that."

You pouted, reaching your arms out to the man making him chuckle louder, and climb down on the bed.

In your sleep addled state you grabbed onto him, pulling yourself against him.

His hand stroked the curve of your side.

'Only wearing one of my shirts...'

Sikorsky thought appreciatively, eyeing you up and down.

He pushed up the shirt you were wearing so he could place a warm kiss to your tummy.

Your fingers ran through his hair.

Sikorsky wrapped his arms underneath you, laying on top of you and resting his head on your chest.

"Why do you do this to me?"


You questioned sleepily.

He squeezed you tightly for a moment before pressing a chaste kiss to your neck.


He murmured into your neck, squeezing your thigh.


"What do you mean?"

No response.


Soft breathing.

Sikorsky had fallen asleep in your lap. 

You held Sikorsky close and didn't move from your spot for what felt like hours, just gently cradling the russian man's head.

"Are you actually going to sleep or are you just going to keep watching me?"

The russian muttered, almost making you jump out of your skin.

"I'm fine."

You mumbled a little annoyed.

"Come here and sleep."

He demanded sleepily, grabbing a hold of your legs and pulling you down onto the mattress.

You cuddled up against him, stifling a giggle into his Chest and he responded, nuzzling your cheek with his nose.

"Моя девушка."

"Go to sleep you sap....."

You replied playfully.

You could feel him smile against your cheek, his skin emitting heat into the blankets making you all the more cozier.

Reaching a hand up you started to play with his hair again, knowing he couldn't resist having his hair played with.

Almost instantaneously his eyelids started to flutter shut as he battled against falling asleep.

"Bayu-bayushki-bayu, Ne lozhisya~ na krayu. Pridyot serenkiy volchok, On ukhvatit za bochok I utashchit vo lesok Pod rakitovy kustok~🎶"

You sung softly, your voice barely a faint whisper.

(Baby, baby, rock-a-bye On the edge

you mustn't lie

Or the little grey wolf will come

And will nip you on the tum,

Tug you off into the wood

Underneath the willow-root.)

His soft breaths steadied, and like that he was asleep again.

You smiled softly to yourself.

He really was easy to put to sleep.

Cuddling up against him once more you allowed your eyelids to slip closed.

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