Chapter 30 - Taken

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The next few months flew by. Draco and I were both busy with work. When we weren't working we were cooking, making love and watching our baby grow. With only a few weeks to go I felt like the size of an elephant but Draco showed me most nights how desirable he found me. I looked down at my engagement ring. We hadn't set a date yet but with the Quidditch World Cup and a baby on the way we just didn't have the time.

"Hermione darling you are positively glowing. Pregnancy is very becoming on you dear." Narcissa kissed both my cheeks. Most weeks Narcissa and I met at the little tearoom and chatted about anything and everything. We visited her and Lucius every other weekend. I never thought I would actually grow to love them but then I suppose you could say the same about Draco too.

"Narcissa you are too kind. I feel like an elephant but Draco assures me I am the most beautiful creature he has ever seen." She quirked an eyebrow at me.

"Lucius was the same. Couldn't keep his hands off me. The Malfoy men have an incredible stamina even when they are older." I almost spat my tea across the table.

"You finish at the Ministry this week? You must be looking forward to having a few weeks to rest?"

"Yes, I will miss being at work but I am looking forward to having a rest before the baby comes. We finished the nursery so we just need the baby to arrive now." I absentmindedly rubbed my stomach.

"Lucius is beside himself. Every time we get an owl he's asking if it's news on the baby. I've never seen him so excited." Lucius and Narcissa had been more than generous. Gifting us the bedroom furniture for the nursery and even setting up a bedroom and nursery for us at their own home too.

"I have my last check up today and then that'll be it until the baby comes. Draco is meeting me at the hospital. I am surprised he doesn't want to know the sex of the baby. I thought he would have been wanting to know if it's a boy or not." It did make me wonder how Draco would react if we had a girl but he said as long as the baby and I were healthy he didn't care.

"I think he's just happy to be having a baby with you darling."

I waved goodbye to Narcissa and walked to St Mungo's. It wasn't far and walking was good for myself and the baby. I walked past an alley and heard a noise. It sounded like a cry.

"Hello? Hello do you need help?" I walked down the alley. Something didn't feel right.


I paced up and down the midwife corridor. Where was Hermione? It wasn't like her to be late. She was always annoyingly on time for everything.

"Draco are you ok?" I looked up to see Luna.

"Yes, no, Hermione is late. Or maybe I've got the wrong day and time. I could have sworn she said the appointment was today."

"Let me take a look." Luna disappeared returning five minutes later.

"Yes she is meant to have an appointment now but the midwife hasn't seen her today. She hasn't arrived and she hasn't been in touch." Where was she? Where was Hermione?

I made my way to her office and knocked. I walked in and there was no one here. Her calendar had circled that she had an appointment with the midwife and tea with my mother. I apparated to our home and searched. She wasn't here. A pit of dread was forming in my stomach.

"Draco, what are you doing here?" My mother and father looked up.

"Hermione, is she here?" Panic was now starting to course through my body.

"No darling. I left her at the tearoom hours ago. She said she had an appointment with the midwife. Is everything ok Draco?" Maybe she was hurt. Maybe she had an accident.

"She never came to the appointment. I don't know where she is." Potter I'll phone Potter.

"Malfoy wh-"

"Potter I don't have time for your stupid talking. Hermione is she with you? Or Ginny?" Please, please say she is with you.

"No. We haven't seen her since last weekend when we all went out for dinner." I dropped my phone.

"Harry it's Narcissa, we think Hermione has disappeared. She didn't go to her midwife appointment. Draco doesn't know where she is. The last time anyone saw her was when she left the tearoom we had met at. Yes the one just off Diagon Alley. Ok I'll tell him." Mother ended the call.

"You've to meet Harry and retrace her steps." I sat dazed.

"Draco!" My father shook me.

"You need to snap out of this. Hermione needs you, the baby needs you. Go to Potter. Go and find your family." I grabbed my phone and apparated to the tea room. Harry stood dressed in his auror robes.

"I'm sorry to pull you away from wo-"

"She's like a sister to me Malfoy. I would do anything for her and the baby. Come, they would have gone this way." I followed Potter as we searched the area. We couldn't see anything out of place.

We walked past an alley and something caught my eye. A green scarf was lying on the ground.

"Potter down here." I picked up the scarf. The serpent pin shining in the afternoon sun.

"It's hers, Hermione's. This is hers." I looked at Potter.

"I think she's been taken. Someone has taken Hermione."

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