Chapter 7 - Are you soaked?

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It was Monday and I was excited to see Hermione again. I was sitting in my office and I received a memo.

Good Morning Mr Malfoy,

Can you please meet me in my office at your earliest convenience.


Hermione Jean Granger

She was always so formal. I wonder what she wanted to see me for.

I knocked on her door.

"Come in." I walked in and my breath was taken away. She had her hair up in a bun with a pen through it, it reminded me of how she looked at Hogwarts when she was busy in class working or studying. She had on a crisp white shirt you could just see the swell of her breasts. They looked delicious what I wouldn't give to taste them. She looked up at me those big beautiful brown eyes.

"Hi Draco. Thank you for coming to see me. I spoke to Kingsley this morning he's very excited for our chosen location. He wants us to meet with a few representatives from the other countries. I was thinking about doing a business dinner, what do you think?"

"Sounds great Granger. Do you want me to see if Edward would let us have the place all to ourselves?" Hermione's eyes lite up.

"That would be amazing Draco. Do you really think he would do that?" She was so adorable.

"Why don't we go and see him this lunchtime and speak to him. Maybe he can do us a special menu for it." Any excuse to spend more time with her.

"Sounds great Draco. I'll meet you at your office at 12 and then we can go and see him." I left Hermione's office and wondered back to my own, 12 o'clock couldn't come soon enough.

12 o'clock came and I opened my door to see Hermione standing waiting for me. She had on this lovely dark grey coat and a deep green scarf.  She noticed me looking at her and smirked.

"Anyone would think your trying to get me to check you out Granger." She looked over her shoulder at me.

"A good girl like me wouldn't do that Draco." Oh she was playing with fire.

"Come on Granger I'm hungry and not just for food." Her cheeks flushed pink.


Edward was more than happy for us to have our dinner next Saturday. It just so happened to be my birthday that day but I didn't say anything.

"So who are we inviting to this thing Granger?" I had quite a lot of contacts so I was more than happy to help supply names.

"Well the Irish obviously as they are closest to us, I spoke to Viktor Krum recently and he said he would happily come." Viktor and I hadn't seen each other since the Triwizard Tournament.

"Mmmmm yes I suppose. I've got a few more contacts I'll get in touch and see what I can do. Will you be taking Ron with you?" I don't think I could stomach having Ron and Draco in the same room.

"Hmmmmm no I don't think it's appropriate. Unless you are wanting to take a date?" I pray to merlin he says no.

"Not likely. The woman I would want to take will already be there." His grey eyes were so hypnotic. I tried so hard not to stare at him but he wasn't making it easy. He sat in that seat with the first two buttons of his Oxford shirt undone. I imagined unbuttoning the rest of them and running my tongue down his chest.

"Granger you shouldn't think such naughty thoughts. It could get you more than you bargained for love." Oh merlins beard did he just read my thoughts?

"When you are thinking something you shouldn't be you bite your lip. So I suggest you stop or I'll bite it for you and I won't be gentle." I visibly gasped and moved in my seat. My panties were instantly soaked. This man had me soaked with only a few words.

"Excuse me Draco I'll be back in a minute." I got up and went to the bathroom. It was small just two cubicles. I was glad no one else was in here. I splashed some cold water on my face. I needed to relax. The door opened and I heard it being locked. I looked in the mirror and saw Draco. His eyes were dark and dangerous.

He came up behind me trapping me against the sinks. "Are you soaked Granger? You are aren't you?"

I couldn't look at him.

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