Chapter 26 - Let's Chat

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Gryffindor Princess, Golden Girl, Part of the Golden Trio Pregnant with Slytherin Prince and Former Death Eater Draco Malfoy's Baby

Yesterday in a dramatic twist we learned that Hermione Granger was pregnant with former Death Eater and bad boy Draco Malfoy's baby. The couple who we believe have been together for a few months walked out of court hand in hand.  Ronald Weasley was sentenced to three years in Azkaban prison for the attempted rape of Hermione Granger and threatening the couples unborn child. Mr Weasley yelled explicits in court at Miss Granger as he was taken away.

We contacted the Weasley family for comments but were given none.

"At least it's a nice photo of us." Draco kissed my cheek.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay? I really don't have to go to work you know. Kingsley said I could take time off." Draco had already had two weeks off of work.

"I am meeting your mother today at the little tea shop. Go to work Draco. I will be fine. You can't stay home you have too much work and I'll be back to work next week too." I heard him sigh.

"Well when you are at work at least I can keep an eye on you." I rolled my eyes.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me love?" His eyes were dark, dangerous.

"Yes and what are you going to do about it?" He came over to me and grabbed me.

"Just wait till I get home later. I'm going to punish you for rolling your eyes at me." He said in my ear.

"You better be upstairs and naked in our bedroom or you'll be in more trouble." He nipped my earlobe and I squeezed my legs together I could feel my underwear getting damp.

"I know you are wet for me love. All I'll be thinking about at work now is how I am going to make you scream my name later on as I fuck you senseless." I let out a gasp.

He pecked me on the lips.

"Enjoy your day love. Remember naked in our room or it'll just be added to your punishment." With that he appareated out the house.

I rushed upstairs and into a cool shower trying to ease the ache between my legs. What has this man done to me.

"Hermione darling don't you look radiant." Narcissa rose from her seat and kissed both my cheeks.

"Thank you Narcissa. Your advice about peppermint tea seems to help with the nausea." We both sat and I noticed a pot of said tea brewing on the table.

"I hope you don't mind but I reckoned you would want one." She sat sipping her tea.

"How are you feeling dear? Draco was happy we were meeting today. He seems to think you need watched 24/7." I rolled my eyes and smiled thinking of later on.

"Yes he has been quite protective the last few weeks. Well actually ever since he found out about the baby." Narcissa smirked. Her and Draco were so alike.

"Indeed darling. You are carrying precious cargo. The next Malfoy heir. Lucius was the same. He wouldn't let me leave the Manor and when I did he would constantly check up on me. The men in our lives are fierce and loyal darling. Don't forget that. They will do whatever it takes for their family." She stared at me intently.

"I'm not some helpless child -"

"Of course not darling. You went through so much as children. Plus after Ron and Astoria still loose he's just a bit. Well you know. He worries darling. He's waited so long for you and he doesn't want to loose you." She leaned over the table and took my hand.

"You are our family Hermione. We love fiercely and protect even fiercer." I smiled at Narcissa.

"Can I ask a question and can you give me an honest answer?" I wanted to know.

"Of course. What is it?"

"Is Lucius really ok about Draco and I?" She looked thoughtful for a few minutes.

"More so now darling. When he first heard he was - apprehensive about the two of you. Our family wasn't known to be the most tolerant to those who were different. Lucius and I were raised to see those who were not pureblood as inferior. Lucius even more so. He was the heir to his family name. It was his job to seek out someone of excellent stature and breeding shall we say. As a Black family member we were taught how to be ladies, to woo a man such as Lucius." She stopped and sipped her tea.

"I was rather lucky really. The man I loved was everything my family could want and more. Both families were pleased with the match and we were married quickly after Hogwarts. Bella did not marry for love. She married for convenience. She never loved Rodolphus. She loved -"

"Voldemort" Narcissa tensed.

"Yes she was rather obsessed with him. Andromeda married a muggle, much like yourself. She was disowned from the family but you could see the love they shared. Much like the love you and Draco share." I remembered Ted Tonks. We met once. I loved Tonks, his daughter. She was someone I looked up too. I was devastated when her and Lupin were killed.

"Lucius can see you make Draco happy, a better man. On Christmas Day he gave Draco - his blessing yes his blessing. Draco came to see Lucius after we left the hospital and told him about the baby and he cried. He swore to Draco he would do better that he would love and spoil that child. Lucius holds no malice to you or the baby Hermione. It's taken time but he is coming round to the new ways of thinking. That just because you aren't pureblood it doesn't mean you are the enemy. I mean he pays the house elves and even gave them gifts. It truly is a wonder." She took another sip.

"What about yourself Narcissa? Are you ok with Draco and I?" I took a sip of my tea.

"Oh darling I couldn't be more happy. I'd known for a long time that Draco had feelings for you. He would come home from Hogwarts complaining of some bushy haired muggle girl and how much he hated her." I tensed remembering how Draco used to make fun of me.

"But I could see darling he was besotted by you. He said he hated you but he really hated himself for liking you. When you were at the Manor - when all that unfortunate business happened - I could see the struggle. He was battling with his loyalty to his family and his love for you. He cried himself to sleep that night. He would wake in the night screaming, shouting and crying out for you. I had to get the house elves to slip him some dreamless sleep potion. When he went to Hogwarts he went back for you darling." She took a handkerchief out her bag and handed it to me. I hadn't realised tears were running down my face.

"He loves you very much darling. More than you'll ever know."

Narcissa offered to take me home but I decided to go to Diagon Alley and grab a few books on magical pregnancies.

I found myself standing in front of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. From the looks of it there was no one inside. Then I saw a streak of ginger hair. George. I hadn't spoken to George in months. I steeled myself and walked in.

"Welcome to Weasle - Hermione." George stood looking at me.

"Hi George, I'm sorry to drop in I was just in the alley and thought I - I just wanted to see how you are." George lost Fred during the battle at Hogwarts. Fred was George's twin. His other half. It was rough on him. On the whole family. Once we had graduated Ron came to work with George. Now Ron was in Azkaban. George had essentially lost two brothers.

George flicked his wand and the sign went to closed.

"Come on Hermione let's go have a chat."

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