Chapter 21 - Help Her

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I apparated with Hermione in my arms to St Mungo's.

"Please I need help. Please someone help her." I shouted. Luna Lovegood came rushing towards me.

"Draco? Hermione? What's going on?"

"I - she - she collapsed. Weasley he hurt her. Tried to force himself on her. Please Luna, please help her." I couldn't loose her.

"Bring her into this room. I'll get the doctor right away." I took Hermione into a room and lay her on the bed. She looked horrendous. Her hair was all over the place, her make up was smeared, she was covered in bruises and her dress was ripped.

"Please Hermione, please don't leave me. I've waited so long for you and I'm not going to loose you." Luna came in with the doctor.

"Draco you have to wait outside. We need to work. Take a seat and we'll come get you when we know what's wrong." I walked out into the hallway and slide down the wall. I fisted my hands in my hair and cried.

2 hours had passed and there was still no news. Harry, Ginny, Molly and my mother had all joined me.

Ron had been arrested and was currently being held at the Ministry.

"Draco darling I got you some tea." My mother knelt in front of me. I was still on the floor. I hadn't moved. I had grown numb to the floor and the cool tiles behind my back.

"I can't loose her mother. I just can't. If I do I think, I'll die. She's my everything." With that the door flung open.

"Draco you can come in." I scrambled off the floor and walked in behind Luna.

"What's wrong with her? What did Weasley do to her?" I'll fucking kill him. He is dead. I swear to Merlin I'll gut him.

"From what we can tell she passed out due to some internal bleeding. Most likely from a sharp knock. But she's will be fine and so will the baby." Baby? What baby?

"I'm sorry what did you say?" I was looking at Luna. She must be mistaken.

"There both fine, her and the baby are fine Draco." She - she's pregnant with my baby. I looked down at her. Her face had been cleaned and her hair was still all over the place but I couldn't be happier. I placed my hand on her stomach. A baby. My baby. Our baby.


I woke up with a jump. The lights were bright and I could smell something strong.  Disinfectant? I looked around. How did I end up in hospital? I looked to my other side and saw Draco asleep in a chair. His hair was tousled, his skin was pale, his clothes were wrinkled. I reached out and touched his hand. He jumped and those grey eyes shot open and looked at me.

"Oh thank Merlin you are awake love." He came over and kissed the top of my head breathing in lungfuls of my apple shampoo.

"You scared me so much." He looked into my eyes. So much concern and worry crossed his features.

"What - what happened?" I remember going to the bathroom and then RON. I flinched, bile rising in my throat.  Draco came sat on my bed putting his arm around me, the warmth of him made me relax.

"We found you and Ron. He - he - he's now locked up at the Ministry. You collapsed. I rushed you here. You had some bleeding." My hand instinctively went to my stomach. I remember he threw me against the wall. The pain. The baby.

"The doctors managed to stop it. You are both ok love." Both ok? I looked up at Draco, tears were falling down his face.

"You and the baby are both ok love." I hugged him and he held me as we both cried.

"Why didn't you tell me love?" I was scared to tell him. After what Astoria had done. I was booked to see the midwife next week and wanted proof before I told him.

"After what Astoria did to you I wanted, no needed to be sure that I was pregnant. I had an appointment for next week. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just wanted to be sure Draco." I looked up at him and his grey eyes sparkled and he had the biggest smile.

"You don't understand how happy you've made me love." He caught my lips in a heated kiss.

"Seriously Malfoy can you not wait till she's out the hospital first?" I looked up and saw Harry, Ginny and Molly. I flushed and Draco got up off the bed and went out the room leaving me with my family.

"Hermione dear I'm - I'm so so sorry. I - there are no words for what Ronald did. I - I," I grabbed Molly's hand. Tears running down both our faces.

"I love you guys and that doesn't change but I cannot be around when he is there -"

"Hermione, Ron's been arrested he's currently in the cells at the Ministry. He'll be in court the day after tomorrow. He's probably going to Azkaban." I gasped. Ron going to Azkaban. Part of me was pleased he would be held accountable for what he did but I also felt sick to my stomach that he would go there. If you had told me in first year that the boy with the dirt on his nose would do what he did and go to Azkaban I would have never believed it. My heart ached. Not only for him but also for his family. My family.

"You don't need to go to the courts. Myself and Draco have already said we would give evidence." I heard a sniffle and looked at Ginny. She and Ron had been close as the youngest two they had a bound. I knew this would be hard for her. Even more so after loosing Fred.

"No I want to go. I need him to see that he hasn't broken me."

Harry, Ginny and Molly left and in came Draco and Narcissa.

"Hermione darling I am so glad you are ok." She kissed both of my cheeks.

"Lucius sends his best wishes. He thought it was best he didn't come." Draco came and sat on my bed and Narcissa took the chair.

"Harry said Ron will be in court the day after tomorrow. He says that you are both giving evidence." Draco stiffened.

"Yes, he will pay for what he did to you." I noticed him clenching his fists.

"We are ok Draco. All three of us will be fine." I grabbed his hand and tracing patterns on his skin and I could feel him relax.

"Three of you?" Narcissa looked puzzled at Draco and I.

"You said peppermint tea when you were pregnant with Draco right?" Narcissa was grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"Darlings, are you telling me I'm going to be a grandmother? I'm going to have a baby to spoil and bake for?" Tears were running down her face.

"Yes mother Hermione is pregnant."

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