Chapter 32 - Get Out Now

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"Draco, Draco darling. Wake up." I bolted awake.

"Mother? Are Hermione and the baby?" Was it all a dream. Maybe it wasn't real. Please let them both be ok.

"Draco the baby is fine. Beautiful. Hermione is still with the mediwizards but she is stable at the moment." It was a dream, a nightmare. They were both alive.

"Come Draco. Come and see your daughter." My mother held out her hand, a small smile ghosting her lips.

"Come Draco." My legs felt like lead. The last few weeks suddenly hitting me like a train.

I walked into the room and the sight before me made my breath catch in my throat. Father was sitting cradling my child. Whispering stories to her.

"You know Draco she has him wrapped around her finger already. He hasn't left her side since we got here. He said he would stay with her until her parents could be with her and he would keep her safe for just now." My father, the man in my life I loathed for so long now looked like a gentle loving grandfather but that was what he was now. Evil Death Eater to doting grandfather.

He looked up to us.

"Come Draco, I am sure you'd love to see your daughter." He got off the seat and gestured for me to sit and passed my daughter to me. She squirmed a little and then her eyes shot open. Grey storm clouds like my own but the rest of her was Hermione. Her lips, nose and even Hermione's wild hair. She was a perfect copy of her mother apart from her eyes.

"She has my eyes but she is Hermione's double." I looked up at my parents. My mother dabbing her eyes.

"She perfect Draco." My father clapped me on on the shoulder.

"Mr Malfoy, Miss Granger is ready for visitors." I didn't want to leave my daughter but I wanted to see Hermione.

"We'll look after her son. Go, go and see Hermione." I gave my daughter back to my father and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'll be back soon little one."

I walked into Hermione's room. Her skin was pale, paper thin, her lips pale, she was so thin and so not Hermione. She looked so broken.

"We've managed to repair most of the damage that was caused. She lost a lot of blood Mr Malfoy. We won't know if there's any psychological damage until she wakes up. We also must tell you she can't have anymore children. There was too much damage and for her to have anymore children would kill her." I slumped on the chair.

"When will she wake?"

"Well that is up to her. She's been through an awful lot of trauma. Her mind needs time. Her body will heal but well - we will have to wait and see." There was a knock at the door.

"I'll leave you just now. If you have any questions please ask." The mediwizard left and Potter entered.

"How is she?" He took the other seat beside her and took her hand in his.

"They say she can't have anymore children, she'll be devastated. Her body should heal but they don't know how much trauma her mind has been through. I can't loose her Potter." I ran my hands through my hair.

"We found Viktor Krums body at the Manor. It looks like Astoria tortured him and killed him. I said she was killed due to self defence. The Minister has closed the case. There will be no enquiry. No one will know what happened but you and I." Potter looked at me.

"Thank you, thank you for helping save her and our daughter."

"She looks like her mother, crazy hair too poor kid but she has her fathers eyes." Potter stared down at Hermione.

"Molly and Ginny wanted to come but I told them to wait. I didn't want you overwhelmed." I was thankful Potter managed to stop a Weasley invasion.

"If they want to see the baby they are more than welcome too. I know Molly will have knitted a whole wardrobe for her." Potter and I both laughed.

Luna came into the room.

"Harry, Draco I need to clean Hermione. Why don't the two of you get something to eat. I'll find you when I am done."

"Come on Potter. Let's go and see your goddaughter."


My body ached, the lights were blinding, the air was thick with the smell of disinfectant. Where was I? What happened?

"Hermione?" I looked at the voice.

"Luna?" What, why was Luna.

"Hermione you are ok, you are at St Mungo's. I'll go and get Draco and a mediwizard." She got up and vanished out a door.

Why was she getting Draco? Draco Malfoy? Did he do this to me?

The door banged open making me jump. I looked at the wizard who entered. It was indeed Draco Malfoy but he was taller, older. He was smiling at me. He looked pleased to see me.

"Hermione, your awake. Oh thank Merlin." He engulfed me in a hug.

"What - what are you doing? Where's Harry? Where's Ron? Don't touch me." Malfoy backed away.

"Hermione it's me - Draco -" he sounded unsure.

"I know who you are. I don't understand why you are touching and hugging me. Get away from me. Did you do this? Did your family not put me through enough already?" He stepped towards me and I flinched.

"Hermione, love. I love you. You love me. I am yours and you are mine." I laughed.

"Why would I love a monster like you. Now get out. Get out my room and don't come back." He looked like I burned him.

"Get out Malfoy. Get out NOW!"

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