XII: Please Don't Abandon Me

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The day that Gon and Hisoka will fight has arrived. Maria woke up to see that Hisoka was gone. She looked at the time, 8am. 'He must be pretty excited to get up early.' She got up from the bed and fixed it. Then she took a shower and ate her breakfast.

It felt weird, as this was the first time she woke up alone since living with Hisoka. When she saw that it was still early to go to the arena, she spent her time training her Ten. And when the time finally came, she walked to the arena by herself.

As she arrived, she searched the crowd for Killua. She beamed as he saw him in one of the seats waving at her.

"Hi Killua!"


"How's Gon holding up?"

"I can't really describe well. He looks excited and scared."

"I get it. I would be too, if I'm in his place."

"Yeah, how about Hisoka?"

"I don't know. He was gone early in the morning. I haven't got to see him today."

Killua just nodded.

"Hello everyone!" the commentator declared, "In the arena today, we have Gon vs. Hisoka. This is the battle you've all been waiting for!"

The lights went off in the whole Arena, and gave an intimidating entrance to the two fighters. Hisoka and Gon walked to the center of the ring, while the announcer introduced them. Maria felt weird as he saw the psychotic look on Hisoka's face again. 'Gon, please be okay.'

The fight finally began. Gon was the first to charge. Maria was amazed at how fast he moves, and how Hisoka was able to dodge all of them without moving from his spot. The whole crowd was silent in the entire exchange of blows, even the commentator was watching intently.

"Hisoka's enjoying himself," Killua frowned.

Maria looked at him and nodded. "I hope Gon will be okay."

"It'll be okay. Gon is strong," he smiled.

Gon has lifted a stone tile from the ground and kicked it with full force, breaking it into crumbs and sending it to Hisoka. He then hid in one of the rubble, and punched Hisoka right in the face, which sent him to the other end of the ring.

"Woaah, cool!" Maria commented.

"I told you. He'll be okay."

"You guys are amazing!"

Then Gon gave back Hisoka's number badge. Hisoka asked about Gon learning Nen and concluded that he's an Enhancer. Gon, Killua, and Maria were shocked. Gon looked at Maria from the crowd.

"Did you tell him that?" Killua asked.

"No," she shook her head answering the two of them.

"We didn't talk much last night, and as I told you before I haven't seen him this morning."

Killua and Gon nodded.

Hisoka then shared that he had devised his own personality test about users' aura type. He explained that each person possesses a certain personality that determines their aura type.

"I see. That's how he knew that I'm a manipulator."

"Huh?" Killua asked

"A few weeks ago, he told me I was a manipulator. I didn't get it at first, but after our water divination with Wing-san I finally understood."

"Ahh, so he's usually right."

After their talk, Hisoka charged and elbowed him in the face, then pushed him before he even landed. Hisoka was taking the lead, and kept charging at Gon. Maria felt nervous in her seat. The game of cat and mouse gives her anxiety and just wants the fight to end. The chase finally ended, the fighters calmed down. But Hisoka moved his hand suspiciously.

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