XIX: Courtesy Call

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Hello everyonee, finally we reached the chapter that explains the title of the story. Please listen to the song, the lyrics speaks the reason of the title and its a really good song. That's all, enjoy readiiing <3

Hisoka and Maria were on their way to Mirwë Province. They are now standing in front of the gates and talking to the guards.

"I'm sorry, the elder told us not to let anyone in." The guard stopped them.

"What? But I have just been here a few months ago."

"The elder ordered to not let anyone in last month," he repeated.

"We will come in, whether you like it or not." Hisoka drew his card to the guard's neck.

"Hisoka, stop!" Maria held his hand, then she looked at the guard. "We just want to talk to your elder, we have a question to ask."

"We can't let anyone come in--"

"What do you want to talk about?" An old man spoke from behind them, cutting the guard's sentence.

They turned around and faced him. The man standing in front of them is Amos. He was the eldest and most respected person in their province. He was also one of the most powerful. A long purple robe covers his body, his long white beard was braided and reached his stomach. His hair was also braided from behind.

"Amos-sama. I'm sorry I tried to send them away," the guard spoke and knelt down.

"It's fine." Amos dismissed him then turned to Hisoka and Maria. "Come with me."

The three of them entered the village. Amos led them both to a secluded part of the land. They sat down in a mahogany chair. A fair lady came inside and served them drinks.

"What did you want to talk about?" he asked again

"We've been having dreams about our past life from this province," Maria explained.

"You've been here before, correct?"


"You didn't have any dreams about this place that time?"

"Yes, but I had a sense of familiarity that time"

"I see," Amos nodded, he turned to Hisoka. "And you?"

"I've never been here~"

"Who was your guide when you went here?"

"Saku, she was a nice lady"

"Saku, y'say," he drank. "You know, my name is Amos. The lady who gave this drink was Alma. And the guard from the gates was Akin."

"Uhmm...okay..?" Maria did not get what he meant.

"You all have the same first letter~" Hisoka noted.

"Correct," his lips turnt up, "Everyone's name in this province starts with one same letter."

"What do you mean?"

"Saku, is not from here~"

"What? But she knows a lot here, even the history that we saw from our dream. I'm not lying. She even showed me the cemetery."

"I'm not saying you are, dear" Amos drank

"Huh? But you were saying that she is not from here,"

A woman has entered the room. Everyone looked at her, Maria's eyes widened and relief washed over her. She smiled.

"That's her! Saku, how come they're saying that you're not from here?"

Saku smiled back. "It's nice to see you again Maria."

Courtesy Call || HISOKA X OCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum