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san effortlessly lifted wooyoung up bridal style as he dashed up to the sky unnoticeably. he then landed on the territory that he claimed a while back when he still had complete access to the human world. 

it was a white flower field, filled with light blue and white flowers. it had a white glow surrounding it, making it feel angelic and protective. there was a transparent, round protector built around the flower field like a wall, protecting it from any invasion.

san slipped through the transparent wall as he placed wooyoung on the soft, white grass. the field was huge, almost as big as a forest, so they had all the space in the world to use up. san released his white wings as he was tired of hiding them. he sat on the grass right beside a knocked out wooyoung, silently praying for him to regain consciousness soon.

"it's a tragedy that i don't have the power of healing. if yunho was here he could've helped me heal wooyoung as he's basically a medic." san sighed as he remembered that he only had the power of fighting and destruction. (pretty hot right)

"yunho..please please please ple-"

"san...who's yunho?" wooyoung lackadaisically asked as he wasn't fully conscious.

"he's a friend of mine back in the illusion world. he's a medic, so if he was here you could've woken up earlier."

"i see." wooyoung emotionlessly said as he continued laying down on the grass, with his eyes half opened.

"woo, you good?" san looked directly into wooyoung's eyes, trying to read him.

"no, i feel so scared." wooyoung bluntly stated as his anxiety started kicking in after the black out due to trauma.

"are you comfortable with human contact when you're in the state of anxiety or no..?" san cautiously asked.

"yes, i actually need comfort. i've been facing horrible panic attacks my whole life without any comfort." wooyoung's breath pattern started becoming irregular as he sensed another panic attack coming.

"c'mere.." san hugged wooyoung without too much force as he was worried that he'd hurt wooyoung. tears trickled down wooyoung's eyes as he started screaming out of fear. he felt like he was gonna be murdered; as if the world was gonna end right then and there. he started having tics, his head shaking violently as he remained petrified. san was rubbing his back and hugging him lovingly the entire time, hoping it'd soothe the suffering boy. san held wooyoung's head to help soften the severe tics. wooyoung's panic attack continued on for approximately ten more minutes before the started slowly calming down. his breathing pattern gradually returned to normal, his tics stopped, and he stopped screaming and crying.

"it's over...everything's alright now." san hugged wooyoung a little tighter to show affection, to show that he understood. and that's exactly what wooyoung needed: a person that understood him.

"thank you, san. you don't know how much this means to me, to finally have a person to be with me."

"anytime, woo." san kissed wooyoung's forehead without a second thought. wooyoung froze at the sudden gesture and blushed later on. san just chuckled at wooyoung's reaction and let go of him.

"w-wait. you have wings!? holy crap they look so amazing!" wooyoung complimented, as san noticed he returned to his normal self.

"yeah, i have superpowers! i have the power of destruction and fighting!" san said with pride as he lifted his head.

"that's hot.." wooyoung unknowingly mumbled as he daydreamed of san crushing his mom's skull.

"i know i'm hot." san smirked as he saw the look of shock on wooyoung's face.

"shit..did i really say that out loud? that's embarrassing." wooyoung sheepishly scratched the back of his neck as he looked down, ashamed to make eye contact with san.

"hey, it's okay. i know i'm hot."

"i'm not boosting your ego anymore!" wooyoung huffed.

"pst, okay." san laughed. both boys continued chatting and having fun for the rest of the day, being completely free of worries and anxiety.


no shit 'with u' makes me feel like i'm in a cafe alone enjoying myself

illusion <j.wy x c.sn> [woosan] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now