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"now what?" taehyun asked.

"let's just ask our way to the king." san suggested.

soobin went and asked some guards for directions, and finally arrived at the king's throne; which took a lot of persuading.

"your majesty." the six of them said in unison as the bowed a perfect 90°.

"why are you guys here?" the king asked.

"to help you defeat jaehyuk." san said straightforwardly, which caused the other five to widen their eyes.

"straightforward, i like that. but how do i know that you're not here to plan a scheme to kill us instead?"

"just..trust...us." san looked into the king's eyes, trying his best to persuade him.

"i don't believe you." the king bluntly stated, in which san was a bit surprised.

"just, trust us okay?" soobin asked a bit annoyedly, which caused the king to chuckle.

"you think i'm gonna believe you guys that easily?"

"if you're thinking of contacting jaehyuk, don't. me and soobin broke out of the prison he trapped us in, just to defeat jaehyuk's side." san said.

"oh." the king said, finding the explanation a bit convincing.

"please, let's just get this done faster so i can save my friends who got trapped in jaehyuk's basement." san pleaded, visible sincerity shown.

"alright, alright. fine. i'll trust you. don't expect me to not kill you all if i find out you're tricking me!"

"yes sir!" the six bowed.

"now tell me your plan." the king signalled the six to come forward, which the boys happily skipped towards the king, feeling giddy.


"alright, release the both of them." jaehyuk ordered a guard.

"yes, sir." the guard bowed lightly as he marched towards the staircase to the cells.

the guard walked around the cells, trying to find a certain soobin and san.

"huh? where are they? i thought they were jailed in cell #378." the guard looked around the corridor.

"wait." the guard noticed something as he slid open the door to cell #378.

"there's a hole!?" the guard exclaimed. he then looked down the hole, finding a whole passage towards the end of the building.

"jesus christ!" the guard yelled frustratedly as he rushed back to the ground floor, immediately informing jaehyuk about the situation.

"those brats! we need to revamp our cells! make the grounds stronger! inform the construction guys, now!" jaehyuk ordered, which the guard quickly obeyed.


"oh." the king sighed at the boys' plan. it wasn't really a plan, just a straightforward attack to demolish the empire without a warning.

"sounds good." the king smirked.

"what?!" hyunjin exclaimed, not believing that their lame plan got approved by the king.

"it's not like they're strong enough to defend themselves, so what's the point of hiding? let's just throw lava and bomb the whole empire and he'd be gone. no more wars in this place, and i can become a normal citizen again." the king smiled.

"you have a soft side too...." taehyun said.

"of course. just because i'm supposed to be a mean and fierce king, doesn't mean i don't have a nice side to me." the king explained.

"now let's gather your fighters and let's do this!" beomgyu smiled brightly, which made the other six giggle at his cuteness.


"you think it's gonna be this easy to finish them?" minho asked.

"yeah, let's just trust soobin and san to invade the empire and get their friends out of there, while we distract the guards and jaehyuk. and then after we're all outside the empire, we burn it down. burn everyone in there alive." hyunjin smiled at the most pathetic plan of attack ever mentioned in history.

"that's actually dangerous, but sure." minho rolled his eyes in doubt.

"stop doubting, and get this done already." soobin elbowed minho.

"shut up." minho rolled his eyes even harder.

"minho, you're so unbelievably fucking annoying." beomgyu teased, which unintentionally infuriated minho.

"if you don't stop-"

"calm down, please." hyunjin hugged minho tightly.

"fine..." minho exhaled.

"now let's get this done!"

illusion <j.wy x c.sn> [woosan] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now