Ch 15:Getting them settled in

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Ash Pov

I made it home safely without any more troubles. I opened the door.

Ash:Mom! I'm home!

Jessie:Hey sweetie. I heard you got into a fight and...

I think she saw Izuku.

Jessie:Who is this cutie pie?

Izuku giggles. I smiled.

Ash:Mom this Izuku. I want to take him in.

Jessie:So he's my grandson?


I also remembered Eri and the other girl.

Ash:You may have granddaughters as well.

My mom was rendered speechless.

Ash:Now I'm going to check on Eri.

I went upstairs to check on Asia, Raynare, Eri, and that other girl. I opened the door. To Asia hugging Eri close to her.

Ash:Is she ok?

Asia:I don't know. She's really really scared.

I felt awful about Eri.

Ash:Asia can you hold Izuku for me?


I give her Izuku and sat next to Eri.

Ash:Hey there Eri.


Ash:Are you still scared of Over smalls?

She nods. I move closer to her and pat her head.

Ash:You don't have to be afraid of him anymore. This is your home now, and you have people who will love you to their last breath.

Eri looked down at my bed then at me with tears in her eyes.

Eri:Thank you.

I smiled.

Ash:Come here my little pog champ.

She hugged me.

Asia:My Ultama.


Asia:Can we get her into some new clothes?

Ash:Sure. Go on ahead.

I took Izuku and went downstairs to introduce him to my aunt and cousin.

Ash:Aunt Fredda. Emma. I have someone here I want you to meet.

Fredda:Who is it?

Emma:Yeah Ash.

I showed them Izuku.

Emma:Who is this lil'bean?

Ash:This is Izuku. I'm taking him in as my son.

Emma:Hi there Izuku. I'm your new auntie.

Jessie Pov

Jessie:' I must protect the Lil bean. '

Fredda Pov

Fredda:' I will protect you from any and all threats. '

Emma Pov

Izuku wrapped his hand around my finger.

Emma:Can I hold him?


Ash hands me Izuku.

Emma:' I may not have powers, but I'll do all I can to protect you. '

Ash Pov

Izuku fell asleep in Emma's arms.

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