Ch 14:Three new sparks that burned brightly

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Ash's Pov

I was on my way home when I heard crying.

Asia:What is it my Ultama?

I dashed off without telling her what was wrong. I ran pass ten different stores and through an alleyway to a fountain were a little girl with bandages on her arm and wearing a pale outfit. There was another girl with a bamboo stalk in her mouth and wearing a kimono.

 There was another girl with a bamboo stalk in her mouth and wearing a kimono

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I felt sorry for both of them so I approached them slowly because I was able to smell a fallen angel nearby

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I felt sorry for both of them so I approached them slowly because I was able to smell a fallen angel nearby. The girl with a kimono noticed me and started to get pissed.

Ash:Whoa. Take it easy. I'm a friend.

She didn't say anything and got into a fighting stance.

???:W-what do y-you want f-from us?

Ash:I want to help you two. You both look like you've been through a lot.

???2:She isn't going anywhere with you.

I turned to see a freak with a bird mask.

I turned to see a freak with a bird mask

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Ash:Are you the one who hurt her.

???2:Who Eri? Why yes. I'm going to make a world without devils or sacred gear.

In the back of my mind it sounded great without sacred gear in the world. Gremory wouldn't simp over people with strong ones, but without devils. This guy was out of his god damn mind.

The Unmatched Wolf Gamer (High School DxD x OC Gamer)Where stories live. Discover now