Deacan balled his right hand into a fist. The volume of his voice was increasing with every word. He was fast becoming angry all over again at that picture. How could she be so callous?

“Chill, people are looking,” Clark warned him.

A couple across the street had turned to look at them. Deacan nodded at them and they walked on down the street.

“My bad. Anyway, I need to return this ring.”

“So there's no chance of y'all working it out?” Deacan looked at Clark as if he'd sucker punched him.

“Are you high?”

Clark laughed and replied, “Only on life! People do try to make it work after cheating. Some even succeed.”

“That ain't happening here. I'm DONE!”

“Hey, that's cool with me. I'm on your side.” Clark stepped back from Deacan with his hands raised in surrender. Deacan hit his friend in the arm and opened the store's door.


The friends pulled into the lot of Red Robin. Deacan hadn't been able to return the ring. He could've, but the store would only refund less than half of what the ring was worth. The store clerk was nice enough to let him know he'd probably get more selling it to a buyer. She even provided a name they could use.

Deacan shut off his car and ended his phone call. He'd set up an appointment to meet the buyer tomorrow. Clark was leaning on his car, waiting for Deacan to get out of his.

“What happened to your car?”

Deacan told him what he knew as they walked into the restaurant.

“Man! At least they left a note.”

“Yeah. Hopefully she calls back soon so we can get this over with.”

They were seated and placed their order. Waiting for their food, they talked about generic things. Clark was talking about some movie he'd watched while Deacan scrolled through his phone. He saw a text from an unsaved number.

Hello. This is Erica, car slayer. Sorry, bad joke. Anyway, I've been in training and couldn't call. Meet me at my job at 4 and we can talk. Thanks!

A second text was of an address. Deacan checked the time and the route to this place. He had enough time to eat and make it there.

Hey Erica. I'll see you at 4. I might be a few minutes late but I shouldn't be. He replied.

“Who is that?” Clark had focused on Deacan when he saw the smile on his face.

“The girl who hit my car. She wants to meet at her job to talk.”

“Smart girl, meeting you in a public place.”

“Yeah. Speaking of girls, when did you get sisters?” Clark was confused by the out of nowhere question and his face showed it. “Last night you said you couldn't make it because you were helping one of your sisters.”

Clark chuckled. “Oh. Well I told you I grew up with my cousin, Maya. We've been together so long that I call her my sister. Her best friend is part of the package. She and I are close too, so she's like my sister.”

“Gotcha. What was wrong last night?”

“Erica recently broke up with her boyfriend. He was cheating and she caught him. She just needed her friends after a hard day. He keeps trying to get back with her but she caught him again with the girl at work.”

“What the hell? Dude is dumb.”

Clark continued, “Tell me about it. I wanna punch him in the mouth, but Erica won't let me. She's all sensible and doesn't want me to get in trouble. Good thing is, she can handle herself though. She grabbed his balls this last time he pushed up on her.”

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