Chapter twenty five

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I stood up quickly, the metal legs of my chair screeching against the concrete causing the two girls to look over at me. I paid them no attention. I could only hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears.


My little sister at home with Nana. After what happened to Gabe I couldn't help but panic. Does The Machiavellian know who I am?

I forced myself to calm down. There was no reason for me to suspect he knew my identity yet. Last night had been the first time The Midnight Hour and The Phantasm had been alone together; he didn't know we were friends. And even though I was friends with Adriana, why would he be concerned about Courtney the regular human? 

Though these thoughts eased my anxiety slightly it didn't stop me from looking over my shoulder every ten seconds as I raced home to make sure I wasn't being followed. Some people stared at me as I ran down the crowded sidewalks but I didn't care. It was too crowded and I didn't have the time to stop and hide to change my image into a projection. I was frustrated I didn't bring my suit with me, but it was my birthday so I thought I could have the day off. I let out a humorless laugh. I guess me and Nick had that in common, both getting called into work on our birthdays. Though I bet his birthday didn't involve superheroes and fighting for your life.

As I got to the door of my home I forced my hands to stop shaking to insert the key. Nana probably hadn't seen the news yet and I couldn't let her know anything was wrong or else she would never let me leave the house.

I slipped inside and Nana was in the living room reading to Olivia.

"Hi Nana."

"Hi baby. Did you have a good birthday?" Nana asked me looking up from the book and Olivia reached out towards me.

I nodded my head and forced myself to smile.

"It was great." I went and picked Olivia up giving her a hug before also hugging Nana. "My friends are having a small birthday party for me tonight so I'm just gonna grab some things and head to Adriana's." I let the lie slip out smoothly and headed up the stairs while Nana called out for me to have fun.

In my room I scrambled throwing my book down on my bed and tearing open my drawer to grab my suit. In a haste I slipped my suit on but the spandex kept sticking to my legs from the sweat due to the heat of August. I wanted to scream in frustration but instead a single tear slipped out. I wiped it away quickly. I couldn't be crying before fighting a supervillain. I was just so damn tired. Why did it have to be today? 

"You know birthdays are happy days Courtney."

"My birthdays always make me sad. It's only happy now because I have you."

"Well, I 'm never leaving you so I guess you'll be stuck having happy birthdays for the rest of your life."

What a fucking liar. 

I finally finished slipping my suit on and quickly braided back my curls the best I could to slip my mask over my head. I didn't even give myself a chance to glance in the mirror before heading out the door. 

I projected my image into myself wearing jeans and a nice top. Something I would be wearing if I was actually going to a party instead of fighting a crime. Nana was unable to tell anything was suspicious as I told her I may come home late tonight and headed out the door. 

Outside the door I quickly changed my image into that of a teenage boy wearing jogging clothes letting me run down the streets without suspicion. My superpower made it easy for me to hide my identity and get around and I wondered sometimes how the other supers did it without the same abilities. 

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