Chapter eleven

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I wasn't sure how long I stayed in the room. It could of been hours or it could of just been minutes. I was frozen in the same place Alex had left me. My thoughts were going haywire as they ran through every moment with Sam that was exactly like Alex accused him of.

There was the time he left in the middle of a movie date because he heard sirens, or the time he just never showed to dinner and I got my meal for free. I couldn't convince the poor waitress I wasn't actually stood up, and repeating that I'm sure he has a good reason just made me look all the more pathetic. There was also that time I tried to double date with Courtney, and I overheard her date asking if we were actually together because we never touched.

All these memories rushed to the forefront of my mind. Alex was making me question everything. Had I been overlooking issues? Or were things actually fine, and I was only thinking about it now because Alex brought it up?

Alex said I had options, but did I want options? Maybe I was too attached to Sam. But could I really ever see myself with someone besides Sam?

I had never been so confused in my entire life. No one had ever confronted me about my relationship before. Besides the jabs from my friends about our lack of public affection nothing was ever brought up to make me question it.

My thoughts were flying through my mind and I couldn't keep up with the onslaught of emotion they brought too. The one I was feeling most prominently though was anger.

I stood up pushing myself off the couch and marched down the hallway towards Alex's office. I slammed open the doors not bothering to knock. Alex looked suprised to see me and quickly turned off the tv and closed his notepad he was writing in to give me his full attention.

"Adriana?" He questioned seeming suprised. I was sure my face was full of anger.

"You." I said simply walking towards him, and he stood up from his chair. "This is your fault. I was just fine. Everything was just fine with Sam, and then suddenly you come in and start saying all this stuff. You're kissing me, putting doubts in my head, and all of a sudden I'm thinking about things I haven't before."

"What things Adriana?" His tone was slightly condensing and I didn't appreciate it.

"I don't know!" I was extremely frustrated, "Things I didn't think bothered me. But guess what they do!" I continued before I could stop myself.

"Like did you know that one time I stayed at Sam's house for four days. Four days, Alex! And I only saw him ten minutes in those four days! That never bothered me before. But guess what? Now I'm thinking about it, and it's bothering me all thanks to you." I said shoving my hand on his chest with the last words.

"That stuff should bother you!" Alex was worked up too as his volume matched mine, "That's what I've been trying to get across to you. I want you to think about this kind of stuff Adriana! Because I care about you. I didn't think I would, but then I've learned so much about you when you've been here. And it kills me to think about you being treated any less than you deserve. You're the kindest, most selfless person I've ever met, and damn it if I just want to make sure that you know that."

"I'm not some sort of Saint or angel. I don't need some sort of special treatment." I spat back at him. I didn't want his praise like I was better than Sam somehow. Alex ran his hands through his hair pulling on it and letting out a groan.

"For crying out loud Adriana that's not what I'm saying! You know that. Remember you were the one who just bust in here talking about your relationship, not me. Obviously you know something is wrong if you are thinking about it. I didn't cause the issues I was just shining some light on them. And by no means do I think you're a saint." He laughed at those words and I glared at him with the most disgust I could manage to put into a look.

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