Chapter twenty six

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~Two years earlier~

"Good morning sunshine."

I groaned and turned over not ready to get up.

"I said good morning sunshine." The voice repeated and I felt a face hovering above mine.

"Ugh morning breath!" I joked and shoved the face away from mine. That was the wrong move because in a second they were in my face blowing their breath directly in my nose.

"Ah, Damien stop!" I squealed and opened my eyes to see my boyfriend's handsome face directly above mine.

"Happy birthday Court." His deep voice mumbled before his lips fell on top of mine. He always kissed me slowly as if we had all the time in the world to spend with our lips pressed together. My mind was blank, just drunk off the sensation of his bottom lip moving to capture mine. I groaned when he finally pulled away, still never long enough to satisfy.

"Happy Birthday to you too," I said giving him one more peck on the lips. "What time is it?" I asked noticing the sun had not yet reached my window. "Did Nana see you? She would kill me if she knew you were over this time of day."

"Let's just say what she doesn't know won't hurt her," Damien said while cupping my face in his large palm. "And I needed to spend every possible minute with my sunshine on her birthday."

I giggled and turned my face further into his hand to kiss his palm.

"I got you something," Damien said with a big smile on his face.

"I thought we said no gifts!"

"Well did you get me something?" He asked cheekily.

"Maybe.." I teased, "Maybe not."

He rolled over to the far side of my bed and stretched his arm off the edge to pick up a lilac bag with white tissue paper and placed it sitting on top of my sheets. I quickly propped my pillow up on my headboard and sat up in bed.

"Damien you know you didn't have to buy me anything." I didn't like it when people spent their own money on me.

"How could I not get something for my girl on her special day? Hush now and open it," he said placing the gift in my lap. I reached for the tissue paper and he quickly grabbed my hand stopping me. "Wait! Let me sing while you open it." I laughed but agreed to slowly open the gift while he sang.

"Happy birthday to you..." I laughed at his terrible singing voice as I knew it was fake. He had a beautiful deep voice. He was blessed with the singing gene which I was not fortunate enough to possess.

"Happy birthday dear Courtney-y-y" I ripped out the last piece of tissue paper as he continued with his song. My throat went dry as the contents were finally revealed to me. I was staring down at dark green and purple material. Slowly I pulled it out to reveal a full-body leotard.

" Damien I can't-" I started to protest but he just hushed me.

"I know you don't believe in yourself right now Court but one day I know you'll find your confidence. Your reason to be ready. I can't force it but I just want to encourage you. I'll be right behind you supporting you whenever that time comes."

He knew I didn't want to talk about it and I was grateful he didn't push. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay here's one more," he said handing me a small white box. Carefully I opened the lid and let out a small gasp at the beautiful piece of jewelry.

"A necklace? It's so beautiful, but it's too expensive, you shouldn't have."

"Nonsense. Nothing is too good for you Court, let me put it on you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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