Chapter 7: A Businessman Indeed

Start from the beginning

Then the explosion went off behind them as they left the checkpoint. And Chris switch back to his handgun and fired at Infected. "Get Down!" Josh calls out to them. They look ahead and saw a pipeline was low and they immediately duck, avoiding the pipe then the three stood back up. Then Chris fires at the barrels on the catwalk and took out the Infected with it. "Another pipe! Get down!" Josh calls out and the three immediately duck.

Once they pass the pipe, they stood back up and looked around at their surroundings, seeing they were in a station of sorts. "Is this a pump station?" Annabelle mutters to them as she looks around. "Seems like it," Chris states as an arrow flew past them. They looked ahead, seeing more of the infected swam from the works.

Chris and Sheva aim their guns and began firing at him Josh kept his eyes ahead as he slows down the boat. "Another gate... OK! You two know what to do!" Josh calls out as he stops the boat at the dock. Chris steps onto the docks, Sheva following him and they ran along the catwalk.

Annabelle pulls herself up, sitting straight in her spot against the panel. She pants, looking over, and watches as Chris and Sheva were hiding against the wall. Chris flinches away as the bullets bounce off the wall, chucking bits off.

But he reloads his rifle and fired at the infected, picking them off the turrets and the snipers, once they were gone. Chris pulls off the wall and charges into the fort. Sheva was right behind him as they aimed at the infected in the fort and shot them dead in their tracks, taking their heads off and nailing them right through the head. Sweeping out the fort, collecting ammo as they went and picking off the infected and came to a lever. "Sheva!" Chris calls out and she steps in front of it. "Get the Lever over there!" she calls out to him as she turns and fired at the Infected.

He nods then ran to the bridge, he jumps the gap, rolling down the bridge then stood up in front of the lever. They both grip the lever and pull them down. The gate blows them to open up and clears the way ahead. Chris waves at Sheva to follow and she did, jumping the gap and joins him as they headed through the second side.

The infected did ambush them and they did fight back, blowing their heads off. But then collect ammo and herbs, along with jewels. Sheva even added a shotgun to her arsenal. Once everything was cleared and go. They headed back to the lever station and climb to the top, passing through the overlook, killing infected butterflies as they went and pass through the door.

They drop down to the docks, running through the cargo and drops onto the boat, they kept firing at the infected butterflies as Josh speeds up the boat and drove through. "OK! Now let's get this Irving!" he states as he speeds away from the checkpoint.

Once it was calm, they drift through the swamps looking around for any signs of Irving's Yaut. Chris kept his eyes as Sheva looks around at their surrounding, Annabelle exhales as she was almost feeling strong enough to stand, but the sudden feeling of unknown rage and the obsessive need to kill washes over her. She rose her head and looks over to the side as that something white catches Sheva's eyes.

She immediately stood as it came into view, "Oh shit!" he calls out as he immediately turns the boat away, but they were too close and got pulled right into the current. They braced themselves as they smack right up against the yacht with grunts. Once they drifted away, the Infected mounted onto the rear and starboard side and opened fire onto the smaller boat. "Damn it!" Chris calls out as everyone drops low, dodging the bullets and bracing themselves from the shockwaves.

Annabelle pulls Sheva out of the way, hiding her behind the control panel, "They're gonna sink us!" he calls out to them, "We got to do something!" Josh calls out to him, trying to start up the ship, but it only backfires. Annabelle pulls Chris next to her, in front of Sheva, "We gotta get aboard that ship." Chris informs Josh as the engine refused to start, Annabelle glares up at the infected.

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