Chapter 7: A Businessman Indeed

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The speed boat stood ready and working as it set adrift in the waters, Josh just looks at the refinery as there was nothing left. He sighs and looks back to the others, seeing they were relaxed ad reloading their guns. "What happened to Irving?" he asks them.

Chris shot a look at him, then over to Annabelle and Sheva, who just looks at him, sighs and they turn their gaze to Josh. He just looks at them, but immediately understood the look in their eyes and nods his head. "Ah... Well, he can't have gone too far," he informs them, rope onto the boat.

Annabelle sighs as she brushed her ponytail off her shoulder as she grips the side of her neck. Sheva then looks at him, "Josh..." she starts as Chris turns to him as he stood up, "Thanks." he said to him, Josh shot a look at him than a nod and turns back to the controls, but as he went to start it, a flaming arrow hits the boat, getting their attention.

Coming from the refinery ashes, infected were driving right for them, Annabelle leans out and looks at them. "We just can't seem to catch a break!!" she snaps as Josh turns to the controls. "Thank me later, we got company!" he warns them, starting up the boat and went full throttle.

Annabelle went to stand, but she collapses back down, Chris kneels next to her, gripping her shoulder. "Stay down, soldier," he tells her and she shot a look at him. "Sheva and I can handle this, you rest up and be ready for round two," he tells her. She stares into Chris's eyes, seeing he was standing his ground.

She then sighs momentarily then looks back to him, handing him a few clips. He pulls his hand back and took them, then he looks back to Sheva. She nods at him and they both filed in. "I got you!" Chris tells Josh, "We got you covered!" Sheva assures him and they opened fire onto the incoming boats.

Chris aims his gun and fired into the heads of the infected "Here we go! Hang on tight!" Josh warns them as he speeds up the boat. Annabelle held onto the side of the boat as Sheva had her attention on the second boat of Infected firing at them.

But the boat began to slow down as it came to a water dam blocking the way, it opens for them as the power generator went up in a barrel explosion then Chris turns his attention to the infected on the walls and fired at them, taking them out.

Once they pass through the dam, Chris aims his sniper at the barrel of the bridge as the Infected stood close to it. Taking out the power generator along with it and did the same to each power generator as he went, taking out the equipment and the Infected.

But as they came to a checkpoint the gate in front of them were shut right, making Josh hiss to himself. "Ah, the gate's closed," he states as he stops the boat next to the docks. "See what you two can do to get it open! I'll stay here with Annabelle," he informs them.

Chris pulls himself up to the dock, helping Sheva up. Annabelle pulls herself away from the side and pressed her back into the control panel of the boat. Chris marches forward with Sheva, firing at the Infected and clearing out a path.

Chris then aims at the barrels at the front of the gate they came through and fired at them, clearing out a pathway. They hurried to the other side and pulled the lever, opening up the gate. "Hurry! Get back before more come!" Annabelle calls out to them, they nodded at her and quickly turn back, but it was too late as more of the Infected jumped out, the two reload and fired at the Infected standing in their way.

One jumps onto the boat, shouting at the two, but they both aimed their guns and fired right at the Infected, nailing him in the head and he stood there, with his arms suddenly limp at his sides.

Annabelle then raised her leg and shoves the infected away and he falls to the right and splashed into the water. The two just exhaled with relief as Chris and Sheva jump back onto the boat. Once everything was good, Josh speeds up the boat again. "Alright! Let's go!" he states and Chris aims his sniper rifle and fired at the barrel, taking out Infected.

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