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Author: Hey guys and I'm here with a blooper reel for SVTFOE, featuring Sabriye and the SVTFOE cast. Hope you enjoy this. Now, let's get started.

/Beep/ 🎬

Chapter 1

Sabriye: *looks at guards and nervously waves them" Uhh... Hi?

Guards: ...

Guard #1: Hello.

Guard #2: Are you lost, kid?

Sabriye: *sweatdrops*

/Beep/ 🎬

Moon: May I ask why I am seeing a little girl in front of me?

Sabriye: *looks at her with a deadpanned expression* I'm not just a little girl, you know? I'm still growing!

/Beep/ 🎬

Star: *comes running into the room with Marco* We heard a noise from upstairs and- *sees Sabriye*

Sabriye: *nonchalantly* ... Oh hey, it's the Starco couple.

Star and Marco: *blushes* Wait, what?

/Beep/ 🎬


Sabriye: Uhh... *Shrugs* Yeah, I did.

Marco: How are you so casual about this?!

Sabriye: *shrugs again*

Marco: Don't just shrug it off like it's nothing!

Sabriye: *smirks* Is that pun intended?

Marco: No, of course not!

Sabriye: *pouts* Aww...

/Beep/ 🎬

Eclipsa: *comes into the room*

Sabriye: *gasps in awe and fangirls* Oh my goodness! It's really you! I got to meet Eclipsa in person! I'm a huge fan of yours! Can I have your autograph, please?!

Star, Marco, Moon and Eclipsa: Uhh...

/Beep/ 🎬

Chapter 2

Sabriye: *grins* Want me to do the honours?

Star and Marco: *nods in agreement*

Sabriye: *faces Eclipsa* Well, what they were trying to say is that they are now officially you-and-Globgor 2.0.

Star and Marco: *looks at her with eyebrows raised* What kind of term is that?

/Beep/ 🎬

Star: *quickly* Marco and I are together!

River: *points at them* I do not approve of this!

River: *puts hand down and nonchalantly* I wanted to say that for once in my life. Let's continue.

Everyone else: *sweatdrops*

/Beep/ 🎬

Sabriye: *claps hands in delight* Great, that settles it. Now, we just have to work on the marriage!

Star and Marco: *blushes madly* SABRIYE!

Sabriye: *ignores them* Oh! And the proposal too! And the honeymoon! And names for their babies!

Star and Marco: *covers their faces with their hands and groans* Sabriye, please stop!

/Beep/ 🎬

Chapter 4

Star, Marco, Moon and Eclipsa: *looks from crystalline shards to Sabriye*

Sabriye: *faces them* I-I just thought it was a good idea to move the wand there! I didn't know that was gonna happen!

The Universal Warrior (Star Vs The Forces Of Evil Fanfiction) [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now