Chapter 9: The Battle Between Warriors (Part 1)

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Every one of our heroes were getting exhausted and were unable to defeat Mina. Moon tried the spell that cancels Mina's magic permanently, but to no avail. Eclipsa ended up using The Spell With No Name against one of Mina's soldiers by mistake again, causing her energy levels to decrease drastically, to the point of being unable to stand.

Star and Marco were the only ones still standing at the moment and even they were unable to continue as their exhaustion took control. They stared at Mina's giant armour, which is still standing with just a few scratches on it, in despair.

Mina lifted her sword, which was similar to Solaria's, upwards ready to strike, while Star and Marco closed their eyes and looked away, bracing for the impact. However, after a moment, they felt nothing. Instead, they heard the sound of ice cracking.

They slowly looked up to see, with a shocked but relieved expression, Sabriye, or rather, Ice, sliding down an ice ramp, that she used to push Mina away from them and transformed into Electric, who threw a bunch of Electro Balls at Mina's giant armour, causing it to be electrocuted, along with Mina, who was inside.

She then transformed into Psychic to use her Telekinesis on herself to slowly lower herself to the ground and checked on Star and Marco to see if they were alright. Much to her relief, they were. However, she was dreaded to see her fallen allies in front of her.

Mina rose back up to her feet and saw Sabriye. She immediately felt glee. "Why, hello there. It's nice to finally meet you... Sabriye." Mina said, gaining the said girl's attention. The latter was shocked that she knew her name, even though they had never met before.

Noticing her shock, Mina chuckled maliciously and said, "Why do you look so surprised? I was actually watching you from afar." Sabriye tuned out of it for a moment to mutter under her breath with a deadpanned expression, "Wow, I didn't think for a second in my life that Mina would be stalker, but here we are."

Mina continued, "And I must say, you really are quite the powerful and formidable warrior. You have been deemed worthy. But now, I have come to show that I'm the one who's worthy of being one by fulfilling my oath to Queen Solaria and destroy every single monster here, starting with Globgor."

Those were Mina's words before she headed to the castle. Immediately, dread filled Sabriye's stomach as her feet moved before her mind could start thinking. As if on cue to Mina's words, Globgor appeared out of the castle to fight Mina, who was heading for him.

After Globgor grew in size and took his stance, he heard an unfamiliar voice from the battlefield, "OH NO, YOU DON'T!" A bright purple opened up in front of him to reveal the owner of the voice, who transformed into Dark and summoned four pitch black glyphs on both sides and used Dark Pulse, causing Mina to recoil back.

Globgor looked at the newcomer, who turned back to normal and thanked her before asking, "Who are you?" Sabriye answered, "I'll explain later. Right now, Mina is after you and you need to head back inside. It's for your own safety." Globgor frowned as determination was being written in his eyes.

"Look, she hurt my wife down there and I'm not backing out of this fight. Not after what she did her to her," Globgor said with a determined expression. Seeing that look in his eyes, Sabriye relented and nodded in agreement as they took a stance together. Mina saw this and made a snarky comment.

"You're siding with a monster?! How dare you call yourself a warrior! All monsters are evil, especially that man-eating monster, Globgor, and that soul eater, Meteora. Once an evil monster, always an evil monster." That irked Globgor due to Mina insulting, not only him, but also his baby girl.

However, his anger was nothing compared to Sabriye's. Globgor felt a menacing aura around Sabriye and noticed that she was shaking and growling through her gritted teeth. Star and Marco ran towards the castle and noticed it too. That was when they found out that Sabriye wasn't just mad; she was livid.

Mina seemed to notice that as well as she stepped back in surprise, along with Globgor. Sabriye muttered something under her breath but none of them were able to hear her words. Acting tough to mask her subtle signs of nervousness, Mina beckoned her to repeat that with a mocking tone. In fact, her voice itself irked Sabriye even more. 

This was where Sabriye's monologue began as she angrily shouted at her a long lecture, "How dare I? How dare I call myself a warrior?! Look who's talking! How dare you call yourself a warrior! Even when monsters have either been brought to justice or changed for the better, you still insist on making them face the punishment you think they deserve! I know you want to honour Solaria but you've crossed the line! Haven't you realised that?! Gah, it looks like you're thinking just like Rhombulus! Not everyone here has their full trust in Globgor but if you think that putting innocent people in danger was a good idea, you're basically sending the wrong message. You're showing everyone that you're not a capable warrior but a villain! Get that through your skull, you scumbag!"

Everyone else was beyond shocked at her fury and monologue, especially her colorful choice of word at the end of it. After a moment of silence for Sabriye to catch her breath, Mina finally said in menacingly low voice, "... I've heard enough."

She was going to slash Sabriye when the said girl transformed into Psychic and used Reflect, deflecting Mina's sword, causing her to stumble backwards. She then split into two of her Elementals, Electric and Psychic. This shocked everyone else present at the scene.

Psychic summoned some bright purple glyphs around Mina and summoned a spear, allowing Electric to use Electric Charge to fill it with electric power and rapidly and continuously slash Mina while bouncing off of the glyphs. Once she was done, Psychic used Psybeam from each of her glyphs, destroying a bit of her armour and causing her to fall to her knees.

The two Elementals merged back and Sabriye fell to her knees as well, panting and laying a hand on a nearby rock to steady her balance. She knew the fight was not over yet so after taking a breather for a moment, she took her stance once more. She noticed that her watch lit up again and smirked. 

Mina stood back up and let out a loud war cry. Sabriye did the same as they continued the battle.

A/N: Hey guys. You weren't exactly expecting Sabriye to use the word, "scumbag" during her monologue, were you? 😏 Well, I guess it makes sense, since she's sort of a cinnamon roll. If you don't know that, then read my book of facts. It states there about her personality. Anyways, hope you guys liked this chapter, stay tuned for more updates and I'll see you in the next one. Bye. 👋🏼

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