5| Blitz

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Eating in the dark has its inconvenient. I keep cutting my food with the wrong side of the knife, poking with my fork gigantic pieces of lettuce that are too big for my mouth or nothing at all, spilling water all over myself, and I never know what my next bite is going to taste like.

I wait until we're half-way through the main course to make my move, knowing that the waitress is less likely to come back around here while we're eating. I drop my fork to the table loudly and let out a breath, bracing myself.

So far, me and Christian have been mostly talking about how good the food is and about dancing, general subjects that did not help me figure out who the man in front of me really is.

"Alright, I said I accepted your challenge, it's the moment I'm choosing to do it."

The man chuckles lowly, dropping his utensils as well.

"I'm ready. Just remember; no dick touching."

"I remember," I mumble, standing up and making my way to the other side of the table. I bump into his chair and let out a muffled curse.

I keep repeating to myself that the other people in the restaurants are far from our table, that we're in a private room and that even if the lights were on, no one would see us, that the staff is visually impaired anyway, that we're not removing our clothes.

Still, what I'm about to do is pretty fucked up.

I feel his shoulder with my hand, and his breath fanning over my arm, instantly drawing goosebumps out of me. Without waiting for the embarrassment to set in, I put one of my legs over him and sit on his lap, straddling his waist with my thighs.

"Hi," I say shyly, knowing perfectly well that his face is an inch away from mine.


He smells like expensive perfume and aftershave. His body is warm and solid under me.

"Can I touch you?" I ask, quick and quiet.

"Yes, and this is the only moment I'll let you do so, so enjoy it while it lasts."

"Can I kiss you?"

There is a pause.

"I guess it's alright."

First of all, I find his shoulders with both of my palms, putting my fingers flat against his collarbones. I go down, dragging my hands over his chest, caressing his pecs and his hard stomach. I can feel his abs muscles through the material of his t-shirt.

Slowly, I drag my palms along the crooks of his muscles, then up again, feeling his shoulders and his arms, which are limply staying at his side. I grab his hands, directing them to my ass and he cups my cheeks through my skirt, which brings a rush of blood to my quivering pussy. I get even closer, scooting myself on his crotch.

I can feel his dick in his pants, but he's only half-hard. This isn't going to do it if I want to make him cum.

With his hands staying on my ass, I use my palms to go up his arms again, feeling his body and going to his neck and in his hair, one thumb tracing his jawline and his chin, then his lips. His breathing quickens, which is the first sign I'm doing something right.

Now that I know where his face is, I approach my lips from his, unbearably slowly. I just stay an inch away from his face for almost a whole minute, taking-in the quick breaths leaving his mouth and letting the pressure build up. He grabs my ass just a little harder and I give-in, my mouth colliding with his.

Right away, we kiss hard and deep, passionate in the way our lips meld together, tongues brushing messily. It feels absolutely amazing to have his soft, plush lips crashing against mine in such a hurry, blurring everything else around me to only leave the sensation of him; his tongue, the warmth of his body, how silky his hair feels when I dig my fingers into his scalp.

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