10| Midnight Drive

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The road is flat and smooth under the wheels, the vibration of the powerful engine almost imperceptible as the car flies towards the unknown, going straight ahead. Jimin at my side is silent, but I can feel his calming presence, and I can imagine his smooth fingers laying on the steering wheel while he sits back and stares into darkness.

The blindfold, forbidding me from one of my senses, heightens my other perceptions and I can hear the sounds of the city blending outside. Someone is shouting at the corner of the street while we stop on a red light, something about the apocalypse and aliens coming back to Earth, and I suddenly recognize the hoarse voice of the town's crackhead, always bothering passersby at the same place every night.

I suddenly realize that even though I can't see, I know where we are. I bite down on my lips and start to focus, trying to guess where we are going from the elevation of the street. The slope is going up and we are turning left, which means we're climbing up into the mountain, towards the rich part of town and the gated community.

My palms are sweaty, and I feel my heart hammering in my chest, yet my anxiousness is pure excitement, bright and blazing inside my chest.

"I don't usually do this," says Jimin.

His voice is strangely shy, and I suddenly wish I could see him. I bet he looks hot as hell right now.

"Do what?"

"Bring people to my home. This is a big deal."

"You're bringing me to your home!"

I would have guessed a hotel maybe, but certainly not his home, the place where he sleeps and showers and eats everyday. This whole experience suddenly feels a lot more personal, which goes against the rules he has set so far. 

"Yeah. I saw you right there, in the park, attached to those metal beams and I started thinking about how good it would feel to have you in my own bed, in between silk sheets. The image was too tempting, but you have to know this is a privilege. I never bring anyone to my house."

Yet again, his words bring a dull arousal in my lower body, bringing me to cross my legs and feel the blood rush to my face where I know my cheeks are blushing.

"I like that image too," I say with a breathy voice, "I seriously can't wait for you to fuck me."

I can't believe I said that, yet truer words have never existed.

Jimin chuckles.

"Can't wait either."

The car is slowing down now, and I know from the twists and turns that we are entering the upper town, above the mountain road.

"I need to warn you," I tell him with a smirk, "I scratch and bite."

"Oh love, for me you will crawl and beg too."

I let out a sigh, increasingly aroused. My left leg starts to jump in nervous jolts.

"Are we there yet?" I ask.


The car suddenly stops, and I hear him open his window to enter a code on a keypad. He speaks to someone, I hear the creaky sound of metal gates opening and we enter the affluent neighbourhood, where I remember all the houses looking like small castles. I've never been here, but I can't say I'm surprised this is where he lives.

The car is slowly driving on the small asphalt road, and I try to remember how much stops we make before we turn right (5 stops), then how much stops before we turn left (2 stops), until the vehicle finally stops. I hear Jimin search for something in his pockets, then the sound of a garage door opening is heard, and the car goes in, then makes a full stop.

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