Part 14: We Wont Stop

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Your father pulls you out of the Manor. "Why would you do that are you crazy!" He yells. "Bellatrix said-" he cuts you off "Bellatrix lied okay?!" "She said it was the best thing to ever happen to her!" You snap. "To her! Not to you! You aren't like her Y/n you when will you understand!" "I can be like her.." he looks up at you "No. don't say that you don't want to be like her. I know I hurt you and I should never be forgiven, but please come back to the Weasley's for me.. I need you to see who your real family is." You agree and head off to the Burrow.

You finally make it to the burrow and you make sure your sleeve is covered. "Y/n! It's so lovely to see you!!" What are you doing out of school?" Mrs.Weasley asks. "I took her out. So I could apologize correctly" Your father chimes. You roll your eyes without anyone noticing. "Well I should catch the next train out shouldn't I?" "We'll definitely not alone! Bill is just heading out on a separate train! You two can walk together." She suggests. You give her a fake smile. "Great."

You and Bill walk in silence to the train station. "So. You still don't remember anything?" He finally breaks the silence. "Nope. Because I really don't think it happened Bill." You say. Your make begins itching terribly and you can't help but scratch at it. "Hey you okay?" He grabs your arm. "No!" You quickly pull it back. He snatches it back and lifts up your sleeve revealing your dark mark. "What the hell is this!" He whispers angrily . "I had to. If I wanted to be with Draco." He scoffs "All of this for Malfoy when all he's done is lie to you?!" "You don't know anything Bill! Now I must go...please just don't tell anyone." You reply softly before jumping on the train.

You make it back to Hogwarts just in time for your first class. While in your potions class with Snape you had it with the twins and Draco. You sit next to Draco and the twins immediately catch on that somethings wrong. Fred writes some words on a paper and send it to you.

Why have you been ignoring us. We miss you
~ F & G

You crumple it up and throw it. "Enough!Turn to page 394 immediately!" Snape comes in demanding. You and Draco both open your books and Snape begins the lesson.

After class as you are walking out of class , George grabs you and throws you over his shoulder. "Hey let me go!" You start hitting his back. "Shhh Y/n. We just want to talk!" You groan "ugh just leave me alone" they throw you in there room. "Why have you been ignoring us?!" Fred says. "I.. I haven't." You look away. "Bill told us Y/n. You're a death eater now." George says. You sigh "He wasn't supposed to tell anyone." "We care about Y/n. We will help you out of it I promise." Fred chimes "You just have to let us.." George says reaching his arms out to you. Tears begin forming in your eyes "I'm so scared Georgie..." he pulls you in from a hug as you cry into his chest and Fred joins in. Fred strokes your hair "We will find away to make this go away." He says. "You don't understand.. the only way to make this go away is if Voldemort dies. The Malfoy's and my aunt Bellatrix are planning a wedding already." You say wiping your eyes. "A wedding?! You haven't even been dating for a year!" Fred snaps. "We need to get you out of this. I won't stop until you're free!" George adds storming out of the room. "George wait-" Fred grabs you "Let him try his way Y/n." He says. "If anyone finds out what we are planning we are dead. All of us!" You snap. "I don't mind dying for you. You're family. Plus You belong with Bill." You sigh. "Me and Bill weren't a thing Fred" "You might not remember now, but I won't let Malfoy win."

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