Part 24: Nagini

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Professor Magonagall takes George's body from you arms and softly sets him down. She stokes his face and shakes her head "He's gone dear.." you burst into tears. "" you sob into his now lifeless chest. Everyone begins to hear whispers all of a sudden. "Harry one else has to me in the forbidden forest alone.. and let's end this once and for all..or everyone you love will die.." the voice finishes "You stay here and wait for the Weasley's.. I have to make sure Mr.Potter doesn't do anything stupid." McGonagall she says walking off in a hurry. "Oh Georgie.. nothings ever going to be the same without you.." you whisper stroking his hair when you see Molly Weasley fighting off Bellatrix and Ginny notices you right away and her face falls. She takes off running towards you. "Y/n! Who is that?!" She yells as she is still pretty far so she can't make out the face. "Ginny I'm so sorry.." you mutter as she finally realizes who it is. " it can't be.." she whispers. "Where is everyone else?" She gulps trying to hold back her tears. "I don't know. Come here." You pull her into and you can hear her muffled cries. "Where is everyone else?" You ask. She shrugs her shoulders "I only saw Mum.. she killed Bellatrix luckily." She mutters. "Okay you stay here Ginny, stay out of sight. Anyone associated with Harry is in the most danger." You explain but she grabs your arm "Where are you going?" "I'm going to go find everyone.. and make sure Harry doesn't go alone" "but-" "I know what Voldemort said Ginny, but I have to do something Voldemort will kill him even you know that." She nods and you quickly run off into the hallways.

No one besides you has heard nor seen Hermione Ron and Harry but with everything going on you couldn't find anyone. "Luna!" You call out as you see her running downstairs "You haven't happened to see Harry?" You ask "He went to see Voldemort Y/n I'm sorry it's to late.." she says softly. "Thank you Luna" you quickly run off outside of the school into the forbidden forest. you begin to hear voices as you come closer. "I knew you'd do the right there Harry." He says drawing out his wand. Voldemort had broken Lucius out of Azkaban as he was standing behind Draco his hands firmly placed on Draco's shoulders. Draco looked miserable, he was biting his lip to keep from making any noise. There were a few more followed with him. There was a Greyback right near Voldemort himself followed by Crabbe and Goyle's fathers. You knew you couldn't take them on alone, especially when Nagini was around. "I need everyone at the school. If Harry pulls some stunt I need to have his closet friends captured. I will send Nagini if those students will need to be harmed" Voldemort snaps and he grabs Draco and Lucius "Not you two" he says. Harry and Voldemort both draw out their wands "Avada Kadavra!" Voldemort shouts and although Harry didn't say anything aloud the spell he used was just as powerful. Nagini began to circle the trees getting close to you. You apparate back to the school where Ron and Hermione where. The chamber of secrets. "Sorry to ruin the moment, what is the last Horcrux because Voldemort is still powerful." You add and Ron and Hermione look at each other "We have no idea yet-" "The snake." Neville appears in the doorway. "And do you know how?" You ask and he pulls out the Gryffindor sword. "Right here." You grab Neville's hand and apparate back to the woods. "Now Neville. No matter what happens to me you kill that snake, got it?" He begins to get nervous "Y/n I.. I don't think I I can do this." He stutters "Neville you have to. Be the hero your parents always knew you would be" you give him a smile and he smiles back. "I got this.. be careful Y/n.." you nod and sneak around to the other side where Draco and Lucius stood. You pull your wand out "Petrificus Totalus" you whisper and Draco and his father fall straight down hands and feet together. "NAGINI!" Voldemort whispers and she begins to slither her way towards you. "NEVILLE!" You shout and he comes out of the shadow and swings the sword but misses. "Harry Potter.. the unfairness. Your loved ones must die!" "No! Y/n Neville leave! Now!" Harry shouts. The snake hisses and you and Neville begin to run back down to Hogwarts dodging the snake as it snaps at you.

You and Neville were able to dodge the snake enough until finally..the light from Harry's spell faded away. The last one standing was Voldemort, who used a counter spell to unbind the Malfoy's. Voldemort dragged Hagrid around to carry Harry's still body. Everyone was at the entrance of Hogwarts.. or what was left of it. "Harry Potter.. the boy who lived.. came to die.. HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" he screeches and laughs hysterically. "No..NOOO!" Ginny screams beginning to run forward before being pulled back by Bill. As the death eaters begin to celebrate Harry wiggles his way out of Hagrid arms "POTTAH!" Draco yelled throwing Harry his wand and running away from both Voldemort and his father. Voldemort roars with anger and everyone scatters trying to stay away from the rest of the Death eaters that didn't leave. You take Ginny and Bills hand and run into Hogwarts. Nagini began to chase Ron and Hermione staircase through staircase.

After long time of running and Harry being chased by Voldemort. They finally meet back at the middle to finish what they started. Green light coming from Voldemort's spell and red from Harry's. Ron and Hermione crash into a pile of old bricks and Nagini begins to catch up but instead slides past to Harry. She sinks her teeth into Harry's leg almost causing him to loose focus. All of a sudden Neville comes in swing decapitating the snake. As Harry's spell begins to overpower Voldemort's and finally he begins to fade.. his ashes flying into the breeze. Every other death eater begins to disappear not wanting to be stuck. "Harry!" You yell as holds his bloody leg with two bite marks from Nagini.

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