Part 11: Obliviate

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The next morning Draco comes in with a tray of breakfast. "Draco what's this?" You say sitting up in your bed. "I should've had more trust in you. The Weasley's are practically your family and I shouldn't have reacted like I did. So I made you some breakfast in bed." He smiles and lays the tray on your lap. "Thank you Draco that's so sweet." You say and he gives you a kiss on your forehead. "Now I'll be back after your class and we will spend the rest of the day together alright?" You smile and nod and he walks out the door. After breakfast you get dressed, throw on your robes and head to your first class.

After class you were walking to the dinning hall and the twins come up to you. "I bet you're excited huh?" Fred says "Oh come on we all know she loves him!" George adds. You roll your eyes "what are you two on about?!" You question. "Oh like you don't know!" Ron chimes. "I really don't! What's going on!" "You'll find out soon enough" Ginny smiles and winks at you. "Is this something to do with Draco?!" You ask Harry. He shrugs "Couldn't tell you if I wanted to" Harry answers and you finally make it to the Great Hall. You see Bill talking to Dumbledore. You're heart stops and you have stopped in your tracks. Draco walks in after you and he grabs you from behind. "Hey darling.. I've missed you all day.." he whispers in your ear. You fake a smile and turn to him "I've missed you too.." you say softly. He grabs your face "what's wrong?" You try not to make eye contact with him, but he looks past you and sees Bill. He turns his eyes back to you "What's he doing here?!" He says. You shrug "I don't know.. I'm just as surprised as you are." He sighs "Well it shouldn't be a problem right? You're over him. You're with me" he makes sure Bill is looking and kisses you passionately. You turn around and Bill looks at you with sad eyes. You brush it off and go sit with your friends. "You guys should've warned me!" You scold. "We wanted it to be a surprise.." Ginny says. "Yeah. Well Draco has been insanely jealous of Bill and now that he's here imagine if he sees me even alone for a second with him he'll-" you get cut off as Bill walks to the table. "Good evening fellow Weasley's" he smiles and everyone greets him. You look down and continue eating. "No hello or anything y/n?" You look behind you to see you Draco laughing and talking with his friends. "Okay fine.." you say getting up to hug him. He pulls you into a hug and lifts you off the ground a bit. "I've missed you, Y/n" he whispers in your ear. You laugh softly "I've missed you too Bill.." you go to sit back down and see Draco's cold eyes glaring at you from afar. "Damnit.." you mutter under your breath. Draco gets up from his table angrily and storms towards you and Bill. "Draco calm down!" You push him backwards "let's go talk please.." you grab his hand and pull him away from everyone.

You take Draco up to your dorm. "Draco listen-" Tell me right now there's nothing!" He yells "Draco! I've already told you, I don't love him anymore!" You snap. "Then you won't mind drinking some veritaserum would you?!" He grabs a bottled water and pours some inside. He hands you the bottle you sigh. You take a drink and Bill walks in. "Now I'm going to ask you one more time Y/n. Do you still have feelings for Bill Weasley?" He asks. You're quiet for a few seconds "I do.. and I can't imagine the day that I won't. And I'm so sorry if that hurts you, but I can't help it anymore. I've missed him every since Christmas and yes he hurt me when he got with Fleur but we fixed that. I do love you too Draco but Bill was my first.. everything.." you look at him and Draco looks furious but on the verge of tears. Bill looks at you and smiles to himself. It eventually wears off. You turn back to Draco and he just looks down and shakes his head. "I should've known.." your eyes fill with tears "Draco I love you.. I just.. he means so much to me.. I care about you deeply I do.." you begin. "Uh..Weasley... do you mind?" Draco says. Bill shuts the door on his way out. "If we are going to make this work.. you can't remember him.." Draco says. You look at him confused. He pulls out his wand "I'm sorry..I love you to much to lose you to a Weasley.." he points his wand at you "Obliviate" he whispers and takes away every love involved memory you had will Bill. So in your mind you were always just friends. He puts his wand back and takes your hand and leads you downstairs back to the Great Hall. You both walk up to where Bill was sitting. "Weasley. I'm afraid there's been some mix up. What y/n said about you wasn't true." Bill scoffs "You gave her veritaserum. There's no way it could be wrong Draco. Just accept it she loves me." "Oh yeah? Give her some more let's see how she really feels!" He tosses Bill the serum. Bill puts it in a drink and hands it to you. You take a drink and it takes a bit to sit in. "So Y/n. How do you feel about me?" Bill asks. "You're one of my dearest friends! I'm so happy I got to grow up with you because we have so many great memories. You mean so much to me , you're like family. I never want to lose you, you're the best friend anyone could ask for!" You answer smiling and Bill looks shocked, so do the rest of the table. Draco stands smirking and you just look around at everyone. "Well I'm exhausted I'm going to take a nap." You say walking away Draco about to follow you. Bill grabs him and pulls him aside "What did you do Malfoy?!" Bill whispers furiously. Draco smirks "She just chose the better suitor Weasley. Don't be bitter ." Draco says and walks away leave Bill alone and in shock.

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