Part 6: Malfoy Manor

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Everyone ran outside but the only ones who ran for you were George and Bill.  You got a head start but they were fast. You ran and ran deeper into the forest taking multiple turns every now and then so that you would lose them.You didn't hear their footsteps for awhile to you began to slow down. As doing so you tripped on a rock, rolled down the hill and hit your head on a bigger rock. You wince in pain trying to get up but you begin seeing stars and eventually darkness.

When you wake up you're in the arms of Draco. Yes Draco Malfoy. Your head was dripping blood and you try to move. "Draco?.." you whisper. "Shh." He tells you and you were at the Malfoy manor. "Put her on the couch Draco!" Bellatrix orders. You get up right away. "Who are you people!" You say holding out your wand. "Honey calm down.. I'm Draco's mother Narcissa and this is his father Lucius. We are dear friends of your aunt Bellatrix here." She tries to reassure you. "My father never mentioned that I had an aunt before.." "Well your father is a bit judge-mental to us and our occupation choices." She says. "Now what were you doing in the forest anyway??" Narcissa asks. "Well there's a lot of reasons but I heard my father talking about how he didn't want me and how he wishes my mother took me just things like that so I finally broke and left..." "Ugh Sirius is such a horrible father. I'm sorry you had to live with that for 18 years." Bellatrix rolls her eyes at the fact her brother would to that. "Actually it was more like 9..." you say softly. "What do you mean 9?" Lucius asks. "My father was arrested when I 9. Tonks and Remus took me in for 2 years but after I started Hogwarts they gave me to the Weasleys so.." "And he came back? Didn't you move in with him?" Lucius asks. "No..he only wanted Harry. He said I could join them but Harry was his priority and he was acting like more of a dad to Harry than he ever has me.." "I'd avada kadavra both of them in a heartbeat if I got the chance!" Bellatrix exclaims. "Now dear we brought you here because it was freezing and you needed safety for you wound. You can stay as long as you like! You and Draco start back school in about 2 weeks so if you stay that long we would have to find a way to get you're trunk." Narcissa says nicely. "Draco, show the girl to her room and lend her some comfortable clothes!" Lucius orders and Draco leads you up the staircase.

"So this is the guest room. My room is that one at the end of the hall if you ever need anything. I'll go grab you some clothes." He leaves down the hall and you look around the room. A bathroom was attached to the room so you decided you should shower to get the blood off. Draco comes back with one of his jumpers and sweatpants. "You should shower and after I could bandage your head." He says before leaving the bathroom. After your shower you wrap yourself in a shower and grab your things because you were going to change in the room. When you walk out you see Draco. "Oh my Gosh Draco! I didn't know you stuck around!" His eyes go wide "I'm sorry! I didn't know!" You both laugh "it's cool At least I wasn't completely naked." He looks you up and down "I would've liked to see that" he says biting his lip. You throw a pillow at him "you perv! I'll be right back!" He laughs and throws himself back on your bed. After you change you go to your bed where Draco is laying and he starts to dab it with alcohol and  you wince in pain and try to move away. He firmly grabs your face not in a way it hurt. He finished off with putting a bandage over you wound. "There all done! Again if you need me I'll be down the hall." He says before walking out. "Thank you!" You yell hoping he heard you.
As the night goes on you start looking back at the events that happened yesterday. All you could do was cry. You were alone, no one could here you and you needed to let it out. It was about midnight and there was a soft knock on the door. "Uh..come in!" You say sniffling and wiping your tears fast. "Hey..were you crying?" He sits next to you , you shake your head. "Oh quit the bullshit Y/n...I know what it's like okay? Come downstairs with me..I know where my parents hidden stash will help you forget.." he says and you take his hand as he leads you downstairs. "How do you know where this is?" You ask "I drink so I don't have to feel pain anymore.." he answers. After a few hours of drinking and talking Draco comes up to you. He grabs your face and kisses you. You don't know why but you kissed him back. He led you back upstairs after putting the bottles up and you continue making out and eventually do the deed.

The next morning you wake up pretty early and you realize what you have done! There were clothes everywhere and you could hear people downstairs. You shake Draco awake. "Hm... what y/n.." he says in a tired raspy voice. "Get up! Your parents are up and they will figure out any moment you are not in your room!" He quickly gets up and you both get dressed. You are about to leave when Draco pushes you against the wall "I don't regret anything from last night.." he whispers in your ear. Before opening the door and leaving downstairs. You follow a bit behind him. "Good-morning children!" Bellatrix greets you. "I made you breakfast my lovely niece!" She hands you a plate with some French toast and eggs. "Thank you Bellatrix." She smiles. "So, I heard you kids in here late last night what were you doing?" You almost choke on your food when Narcissa asks that and Draco just laughs. "We were talking. And then we watched a movie and went to bed." He says persuasively. They all nod.

It's about time for you to be going back to Hogwarts but you don't have your trunk. You decide you should just go back to the Weasley's. Being with the Malfoy's and Bellatrix has been fun , but the Weasley's were always there and it's not their fault for what Sirius said. You and Draco had a sorta "secret relationship" you two didn't want his parents or Bellatrix knowing so you'd only meet up at nights or hangout like friends during the day. Although he was about 1 year younger than you , you didn't mind. "Well..I guess I should be going.." you say and Bellatrix comes and hugs you. "Oh I'll miss you! Come visit anytime okay?" She says. Narcissa says her goodbyes and Lucius was at work. Draco pulled you aside and handed you a gift box. It was a silver necklace with a snake charm. On the back of the snake it the initials "D.M" "'s beautiful thank you!" You give him a big hug. He peeks to make sure no ones looking and gives you a long passionate kiss. "I'll see you back at Hogwarts, love" he caresses your face and walks you out.

One you arrive to the Burrow you're hesitant about going in. You take a deep breath and finally just walk back in there. Everyone was eating breakfast until they saw you and jumped up to greet you. "Dear! Where were you!" Mrs.Weasley asks. "We were so worried y/n!" Ginny says hugging you. "I'm fine seriously..I'll explain everything.." you say and everyone sits back down. The last seat was next to Bill and boy did you hate it. "So basically.. after I ran far enough away from the boys I slowed down but I tripped and it my head. The next thing I know I was at the Malfoy manor with my aunt...Bellatrix..." everyone gasps. "They were all really kind to me and they took care of me for two weeks so I was safe and protected the whole time.." you finish. "Why didn't you come back?" Fred asks. "Bellatrix is the only blood relative I had left. I wanted to get to know her before I assumed the worst in her.."  Fred nods. "What about Lucius?! Did he give you any trouble?" Mr.Weasley asks concerned. You shake your head "he was really nice just a bit distant due to his job." "That's a first!" George chimes. Bill reaches his hand over to you and caresses you head. "What happened here?" He asks "It was when I hit my head." You say quickly trying to ignore any conversation with him. Sirius and Harry walk in. "Y/n! You're back! Where have you been!" Sirius says trying to come over to you. "I was with my Aunt...the one you never told me about." "Bellatrix?! How could you shed the enemy!" He argues. "Did she seem like the enemy when she's been taking care of YOUR daughter?!" He goes to Harry "You stay away from her...Bellatrix is probably messing with her head.. don't trust a thing she says." You scoff  "God you are unbelievable!" You walk away. "DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!" He runs over to you.


"You don't ever see Bellatrix again!" He yells and pushes you against the wall and slaps you and you look at him tears in your eyes holding your face. Bill runs over to you and punches Sirius. Again and again.. "Bill stop!" You try to pull him off. "Bill please! Look at me!" He listens and he stops. "I'm so sorry y/n" you grab Bill's hand and take him upstairs. Everyone stands in shock as Sirius holds his how broken nose.

(Also in this series Draco is a year older than Harry and the others! Narcissa and Bellatrix are ONLY best friends not sisters in this series. And please don't come at me saying "we are 18 with a 17 year old" I'm trying to add new things with trying to stay accurate to the movies / books. I got a bit of comments of "y/n" and Bill but it's something new and I don't think that age is to bad I mean it's basically like Bill and Fleur from the movies she was 21 when they got married and he was 26. Anyways tysm for reading I love you all so much! Suggest some new ideas!!)

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