Part 21: The Great Escape

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You wake up in an empty dark room alone. Your arm was still in pain but the stinging had stopped. "Hello?" You call out slowly getting out of the bed. "Ah Y/n you're awake!" A voice chimes and he appears. "Voldemort. What do you want from me!" "Well it's not necessarily you anymore because of..well recent developments. I needed your husband. I'm attacking Hogwarts soon and I need all the death eaters in can get since I lost some due to your outburst" "Then why am I here let me go" he laughs "Well Draco won't do anything I say unless I have leverage and you are perfect."  "Don't worry we will treat you great for the remaining months of your pregnancy. I'll make sure to wait to attack Hogwarts until after the baby is born." You scoff "Oh how great. Lucky me!" "You could've gone far by my side Y/n. You and Draco still can you just have to join us" he adds. "I was rebelling against my father, it was a mistake to bound myself to you with this mark. I should've just been like Narcissa who was the wife of a death eater but not a death eater herself." "Well Y/n until the day I die, which will probably be never. You're bound to me and there's nothing you can do about it. Although.. you aren't much use to me now so I can grant you one wish." He says and points his wand at your arm and does a spell that makes your death mark slowly fade away before he walks out of the room.

You spend the day bored in your room. There was nothing to do but sleep or read. Voldemort locked you in your room without your wand so you finally decided to see where the window led. You quickly unattached the latches and quietly slide the window to the right. Your room was on the highest level of his mansion and a bunch of vines poked out of the creases of the roofs and walls. "Oh boy.." you mutter to yourself as you begin to step out of the window into the outside. The roofs were triangular shaped so there were a bunch of slants. You carful make your way down gripping onto every hard surface there was. Finally you make it down to the last two floors. There was nothing around for you to grab besides vines. You try slowly sliding down but the vine breaks  halfway and you land in a pile of mud. "Ew gross!" You groan before hurrying away into the woods.

After what felt like miles of running you make it to a small little town. People around you were giving you concerned or dirty looks. You run into the nearest store and ask the clerk for directions to the Weasley's. As you were leaving you bump into Fred. "Oh my god! Fred!" You throw your arms around him covering him in mud along with you. "Y/n! Where have you been! You're all muddy.." he tries dusting off the mud. "Please..take me home" he slides his hand on your back and you jump into his arms. "Thank you for the lift." You tease and he laughs. "Seriously though what happened?" "I'll explain when we get there.. I'm a bit tried.." you say as you rest you head on his chest and begin to close your eyes.

You wake up to hear the running water in the bathtub and Bill standing next to the tub as you are still in Fred's arms. "Hey you.." you mutter and Bill quickly turns to you "Y/n! He cups your face and kisses you. "Okay okay woah to close for me!" Fred teases and you stand up so he could leave. "Here let me help you." He helps you take off your coat. "I'll be right outside okay? After you're done washing up Mum will have some food ready." Bill adds and you nod.

After your bath you head downstairs where everyone is staring at you watching your every move. "Guys I'm truly fine okay? Voldemort is planning an attack. He was using me as leverage so Draco would agree to participate luckily he didn't lock my rooms window so I was able to escape." You explain sitting down next to Bill and Ginny. "Y/n I was really worried.. I.. I don't know what I'd do without you" Ginny says with tears in her eyes. "Oh Ginny.. I wouldn't go down without a fight." You grab her hand and give it a squeeze. "And you and the baby are fine? Do you need a doctor?" Mrs.Weasley questions. "I'm fine. They didn't do anything to me while I was there and when I fell it wasn't that high up." You add "but we need to figure something out. He's going to attack Hogwarts and he wants Harry gone. "He also said he's waiting for the baby to be born so we don't have much time. He will come looking for me once he-" a letter files in through the window.

Dear lovely Y/n,
I had a feeling you'd find a way out, but I have bigger problems. You can have your freedom for now, but once that baby comes I'm going to get Harry Potter. No one will stop me! Draco has to fight by my side so have fun preparing to battle against the father of your child! I will always be one step ahead remember that Y/n.
Xoxo - Your former leader Lord Voldemort

You read the letter aloud. "What do we do?" You ask and everyone falls silent..

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