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I have writers block so if this chapter sucks, I apologize.

Another week of Reagan not going to school. She was failing, badly. Luckily she hadn't tried to kill herself within that week. She spent the week in bed watching terrible horror movies that she wanted to rewrite.

"Reagan!" Her mother busted in. "Reagan why the fuck aren't in school? I get a call from your principal telling me you missed nine days of school. If you don't go, all the money we've spent will be a waste!"

Reagan shrugged. "Why do you care so much? And please if you're going to talk about money being wasted just go." Reagan sighed.

Her mother grunted in anger. "You are nothing but a burden, I swear! I am sick of you, sick of this!"

Reagan chuckled. "Ya know what, I'm eighteen. I can just leave. I rather be in a foreign place then a place where I'm not wanted."

"Your leaving?" Her mom asked.

"Yup," she said. Popping the P. "No need to feel sick anymore."

"And where will you go?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I don't know," Reagan sighed. "But being here just makes me want to kill myself," she spat.

"Reagan," she rushed over to her and firmly grabbed her wrist. "You better not try that again," she harshly whispered.

"And so what if I do? Do you even care at this point?" She argued.

"Just because I can't stand you, doesn't mean I want to bury you," she spat.

"Well it sure didn't seem like that when I was six years old, drowing," Reagan spat back.

She chuckled a little. "You don't even know why I couldn't get into the pool that day. You think I'd just let you drown?"

"What was dads excuse? And nothing you say is going to change the fact that you wouldn't risk your life for me. Neither of you. Your both selfish rich assholes who make me feel like my life isn't worth living. So yeah I might try a couple more times to end it, you don't care. So why care now?"

"Fine, you wanna commit suicide, go ahead. I can't...I can't stop you," her breathing started to act up. "You're right, your an adult. You can make your own...your own decisions." She marched out the room slamming the door.

Was she on the verge of tears?

"Impossible," Reagan said to herself.

When she went to open the door she over heard her parents talking.

"If she wants to leave fine, we shouldn't stop her," her mother said. She had a strain in her voice.

"Trying to kill herself again is not the solution to her problems."

"If she feels it is," her mother shrugged. "Then fine. All I ever wanted her to do was to stop being one of these nasty sluts on the street. To want better for herself. To not..." her mother shrugged again.

This was all a result of reflecting and child neglection.

The reason why her parents clicked so well is because both of them went through the same things Reagan is. Their parents hated them, still have resentment towards them now. The only way they know how to show love is by degrading their own.

"There's only so much we can do," her father said.

Her parents had no idea how it was effecting Reagan and the question that striked was, do they care? Do they care how its affecting Reagan?


I need to get laid.

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