19 - visions

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xiaojun was falling. it was dark and loud around him.

there was a sharp feeling on the side of his head..it was as if he had been knocked out.

he still felt like he was falling but he was just lying on a field.

fuck..my head..

shouting. he could hear shouting.

xiaojun looked around. people were fighting. the people..they..they were gifted people.




they were neozone.

but what were they doing here? why were they fighting? who were they fighting?

people in uniform. they looked as to be officers from the gift controlling facility.

oh god..what is happening?

xioajun started to panic as he heard shrieks of pain all around him.

the usual pretty field was now blood stained red and destroyed.

whos blood was it?

there was now fire everywhere. the blaze continued to grow larger.

xiaojun couldn't ignore the pained screams from the origin of the flame.


but before he could investigate more his vision blurred.

what was going on??

where is everyone?

is neozone getting attacked??

why are his members getting hurt?

but without any answers the boys eyes adjusted to his bedrooms ceiling.

was it seriously all a dream?

"no.." xiaojun mumbled to himself. "impossible..it felt way too real."

the boy reached up to feel his face. it was wet. he had been crying.

he hadnt cried in his dream since well..when he was little.

"oh god.." he groaned as he rolled out of bed.

he had to talk to taeyong..it was urgent. xiaojun was worried the dream was a vision of the future.

a dark, dark future.


taeyong >> group leaders

taeyong : my office in 10 minutes

it is urgent

jaehyun : on my way

johnny : is everything alright ???

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