December 25th

661 17 7

"MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! It's finally the best day of the whole year! I seriously can't believe it went this fast! I hope y'all are having an amazing day!" Y/N said as she closed the oven door.
"I'm making Christmas Dinner for 7 people so I had to buy a huge ass turkey" she said with a laugh
"so today, me and Gaege are gonna be opening presents and then the boys and Gabby will be coming round at about 12 or 1 in the afternoon and we'll eat and open presents from each other and they'll be staying the night and helping with the boxing day party tomorrow!" Y/N said with a smile as she walked back into the living room.

She put the camera onto the floor, away from the two but made sure it was facing them and then she sat in front of the Christmas tree, Gaege was already sat there as well
"here, open this!" Y/N said as she passed him a wrapped box with a huge smile. He ripped the wrapping paper off of the box to reveal a new Vr headset.
"I knew you needed a new one because the remotes only go side to side" she told him as she saw a huge smile grow on his face.
"awe princess! That's so sweet-come here!" he said as he got onto his knees with his arms out as she did the same. They shared a short hug and he kissed her cheek.
"I was staring to get pissed off with my old one but I wasn't gonna even buy I new one" he said as he sat back down which made Y/N laugh.
"Okay here..." he said as he handed his girlfriend a gift.
"you've wanted this for ages so I decided to finally get it for you" he told her as she tore away the wrapping paper.
"oh my gosh, no it's not..." she said as she got a glance of it and then looked back up at Gaege before actually opening it all the way. He just nodded with a smile and pointed back down to it.
"you did not get me the strawberry dress!" she screamed at the end as she pulled it out of the wrapping paper and held it up. She then put it down and basically lunged over to him, attacking him with a hug.
"maybe we shouldn't hug after every present or we'll never get finished" he said with a laugh, causing Y/N to nod and go back to sitting down.

They had finally finished opening presents, they had gotten dressed into their new clothes (obviously Y/N wore her strawberry dress) and Y/N and was in the kitchen, making Christmas dinner and Gaege was helping her, it was almost finished. They then heard a knock on the door
"ooo, that'll be the boys! Go let them in" Y/N said.

She heard faint 'hello' from the front door and then footsteps.
"Y/N!" they all shouted as then entered the kitchen
"Hey boys!" she said as she went over and hugged them all
"wow, something smells amazing" Grant (Narrator) said
"awh, thanks, I've been cooking all day" she told them
"here, Gaege do you wanna take their bags upstairs" Y/N said as she went back to cooking.
"Where should we put the presents?" they asked
"oh, just put them in the living room" she said with a smile and watched the men all pile out of the room.

"Well, I feel as stuffed as that Turkey was" Gaege said as he patted his stomach which made everyone laugh
"Y/N that was probably the best Christmas Dinner I've ever had!" Eddie said and everyone agreed.
"I'm glad all my hard work payed off" she said with a chuckle.
"right, enough of the sappy crap, let's open some damn presents" Gaege said

After they finished opening presents, they sat around, talked, watched things and just had a good time.

Gaege looked at Mully and he gave a thumbs up, Gaege just smiled at him and then looked away when he heard his girlfriend walking down the stairs.
"Gaege, I uhh, I have something to show you" Y/N said
"Okay, but, can I just give you something first?" Y/N just nodded as Gaege took both of her hands
"so I... You... We... Fuck" he couldn't piece together the words he wanted to say.
"I came up with a whole fucking thing I was gonna say but I can't remember it for the life of me. Y/N..."he started as he got down. Without him saying anything else, Y/N knew exactly what he was doing. She threw one hand to her mouth as Gaege went into his back pocket. He pulled out a small, blue, velvet box
"You're my lobster!" Gaege said, causing Y/N to laugh through her happy tears
"don't quote Friends right now"
"Okay fine... All I Want For Christmas Is You"
"you're so cheesy" she said with a giggle
"so... Will you Marry me?"
"yes! I'm positive!"
"oh my-amazing! I love you so much" he said as he started putting the ring on her finger.
"No Gaege, I don't think you understand..."
"I'm positive" she said as she put her hand into the pocket of a hoodie she threw on due to being cold. She pulled out the pregnancy test and Gaege's eyes widened. It took everyone by surprise, they were all shocked. Gaege stood up and looked into his girlfr-fiancée's eyes and without asking, Y/N just nodded to tell him she was being serious.
"oh shit! I wasn't recording!" Mully said as he pulled the camera up from where he was hiding it
"seriously?!" Gaege asked, turning his head with tears down his face from the news he was just told.
"no I'm kidding" he said with a laugh leading everyone else to laugh.

"Merry Christmas Bubba, I love you so much"
Merry Christmas Princess I love you more than you could ever know"

I'm gonna be sad this is ending but I'm gonna be relieved! I will probably never do one of these again unless I'm 1000% committed. Okay, I love y'all! Byee! 💕💞

All I Want For Christmas Is You {JuicyFruitSnacksXReader) {COMPLETED} Where stories live. Discover now