December 22nd

290 9 1

"Good morning everyone, today is that start of hectic city" Y/N said to the camera.
"We're going last minute shopping, for things like snacks, maybe some extra presents if we find anything, uhh, you know, stuff like that"
"guys, literally like 2 seconds before she started recording, Y/N was basically screaming because it 3 days til christmas" Gaege said as he walked into frame
"Yeh but can you blame me?" she asked with a huge smile on her face.

"Gaege, can you get some Pringles? I forgot to get them on the way past" Y/N said as she took a packet of cookies off of the shelf. A few minutes later, Gaege came back with an arm full of Pringles tubes.
"oh my lord Gaege! I said some not the whole fucking shelf!"
"Yeh but... Pringles... They're delicious" he said as he dropped them into the cart
"and they are probably all broken now" Y/N said as she started to push the cart again.
"is there anything you want specifically?" Y/N asked her boyfriend as she was looking around for other stuff to get.
"uhh, can I have a Monster?"
"oh my gosh Gaege! You have them all the time, that can't be healthy for you!"
"They're really nice though"
"I don't care! I'll get you one more and then you're not allowed another one until like Christmas day or something"

"it's beginning to look a lot like Christmassss! Everywhere you goooo! There's a tree in the grand hotel, one in the park as well! The sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow!" the couple sing in the car, as they watched small snow flakes fall on top of the seat of snow that already covered the outside. They had arrived at their house a few minutes after the song ended.

"I got the last of the bags" Y/N said as she walked past Gaege. He just nodded and went over to the car to make sure it was locked. Y/N stood at the door as she watched Gaege walk back up to the house, she had put all of the bags down beforehand. In a split second, he was on the floor, having slipped on some ice.
"woahhh! Are you okay?" Y/N said as she went over to her boyfriend on the floor.
"Yeh" Gaege said laughing he said as he grabbed hold of his girlfriend hand that she offered to him, to help him up. But instead of her pulling him up, he pulled her down and she fell right on top of him.
"I hate you so much, I'm glad you're back is wet and cold now" she said and laughed as she pushed herself up. She started to walk away but he asked
"woah, are you not gonna help me now?"
"no, fuck off, you can get yourself up"

"Guys, today was kinda boring, I know. It's only 3 days left which I'm sooo fucking happy and excited about!! Also, all of the boys are coming over on Christmas, including smashing and Gabby. Anyways, thank you all for watching, we hope you enjoyed, and we'll see y'all tomorrow, byee!"

All I Want For Christmas Is You {JuicyFruitSnacksXReader) {COMPLETED} Where stories live. Discover now