"You cannot,"- "Show me the fucking scans or take me to watch a surgery,"

"Cal has surgery," Luke mumbled, avoiding my glare.


She got out of bed and sat in a wheelchair, waiting for me to wheel her. Luke mouthed sorry and then whizzed off with her file, so I took her out the room and down a quiet hallway.

"Isabelle, you cannot manipulate your doctors into doing this,"


"No you're not,"

"I'm not," she giggled, "I just wanna see surgeries,"

"You cannot do this everytime,"


"Because this is so against the rules. You are just like any other patient,"

"Not really, because you and Ash are my family,"

"You are a patient,"

She slumped back in the wheelchair and grumbled to herself, shivering again. Bringing her to the surgery would be a mistake, I knew that, but if she insisted I'd let her. Perhaps it would teach a lesson.

We got to the gallery and I sat her down, sitting beside her with a pout. Cal looked up and saw us, rolling his eyes, then they continued the surgery.

"I still don't think this is a good idea,"


"Can anyone tell Isabelle why watching this surgery may be a bad idea,"

"The patient has a high risk," one of the interns said, "They might die,"

"Correct, and thats why the common room is a better idea,"

"I'm watching, be quiet,"

"You don't get to speak to me like that," I hissed.

She didn't reply, just leant forward and watched. Admittedly, it reminded me of myself.

I let her watch until the monitors started going crazy, and forced her back into the wheelchair and out of the gallery. She complained that she'd never know if they lived or died, but all I cared about was that we didn't watch someone die on the table.

That would be devastating for her.

"There you two are,"

"Ash, can I have a word?"

"Yeah," he said, lifting Izz back onto the bed, "Right now?"

"Right now,"

"You can watch some tv misses, how is your pain?"


"Have a hot compress,"

"I need to talk now, Ash," I said, coughing when my voice quivered, "Please,"

Nodding, we stepped out of the room and I shut the door, taking shaky breaths. He held my hand and rubbed small circles on it, hushing me.

"I saw her scans,"


"Don't. Just don't,"

"Chemo begins tomorrow,"

"She has been breathless. Can you hear her right now? She can hardly breathe,"

"It's not at her lungs,"

"Things can change in a matter of days,"

"Fine, we can do another scan,"


"One second baby,"

"If it has spread then our plan will be the same,"

"No, you will listen to Luke and Sierra and operate,"

"That is too dangerous,"

"Kaykay, I can't- breathe,"

Ashton's eyes widened and he pushed the door open, putting an oxygen mask on her.

"Isabelle, it's okay,"

She clasped her throat and looked at me with immense fear in her eyes, before they rolled to the back of her head.

"Can we get some help in here!"

"I can't intubate her," Ash said, "I can't get it down,"

"Let me try,"

I got a smalled tube and still couldn't, my hands shaking. Lewis pushed me out of the way and took over, managing to get it in somewhere.

Ashton listened and nodded, then began to pump air into it.

"Shall I take her for a chest x-ray?"

"Yeah, that would be great Lewis. If she wakes up make sure she doesn't speak,"

"It's at her lungs,"

"It's not at her lungs. She has been booted up with painkillers, she has been walking round,"- "Ashton,"

"It's not,"

"You don't know that, you're just saying what you want to happen,"

"Maybe I am, but I think we need some hope,"

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