I Was Just A Junior To Him

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"It was just a crush, I guess"

My best friend nodded assuring me I was right.

In which a junior fancied a senior. The senior didn't notice the junior at all.

Or so she thought so.


Typical story.


But yep, I was a junior when I liked this certain senior. And nope, he never noticed me. He does have an instagram account but I don't wanna talk as I moved on from these minuscule crushes. I first liked him when I joined high school. And he was the senior of all the classes so technically that makes the age gap of prolly 4-6 years. Yep, I was an imbecile at that time. Am too!

Btw, I have/had several crushes or infatuations. So not all r about only one. Yes, they might be sometimes but nope.

• change the main characters' genders as you'd like

• change the title as you'd like

• change anything you'd like, just make sure to credit and tag me. I'll read ur book w any chapters.

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