One Similarity

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"Hi, I'm Prudence" I said finally finding the courage to speak to him, after 11 months of knowing each other.

"Ricky" he said in a small voice looking anywhere but me.

In which both the people are awkward as hell. But she decides to make the first move to make a friendship.


This is hella me and this guy who's 6 months younger than me but I don't have the fucking courage to say anything to him. I kinda have this infatuation towards him. We're fucking acquaintances but he or his family didn't even know my fucking name, until the 13th of December, 2020. They came to our hostel for a lunch. The most awkward afternoon of my entire life. OMG LORD SAVE ME was the though every moment.

P.s the first two letters are our initial letters of our original names. The guy and me.

I know this book doesn't particularly have a moral but it does have one. It's that, do something bold sometime, who knows, it could change your whole life.

• change the main characters' genders as you'd like

• change the title as you'd like

• change anything you'd like, just make sure to credit and tag me. I'll read ur book w any chapters.

weird ideas for you to useOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz