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Charles barely touched his food, he just wasn't in the mood to eat anything. After a servant cleaned his food, his secretary entered his room and handed him his satellite phone.

He thanked him and immediately dialed Balmoral castle where his family are staying at.

"Charles? How are you, and Diana how is her condition? We are all worried here, William and Harry barely sleeped after you left, and ma and pa are worried as well." It was Anne his sister who answered the phone.

"I'm fine Anne. Diana's fighting for her life." Charles said in a weak voice the gravity of the situation weighing down on him.

"I am giving the phone to ma, just wait."

"No, I want to talk to my sons first, they need to know their mother's condition are they around?"

"Yes, wait I will call for them." Anne hanged the phone to call his nieces from their room.

"Is that Charles?" The queen asked.

"Yes ma, he asked me to call his sons and talk to them first." Anne answered to her mother the queen.

"Father?" It was William who asked, Harry standing close by him.

"William yes it's me, is your brother Harry with you?" Charles can feel his strength returned to him after hearing his son's voice.

"Yes father he's here beside me."

"William I need you to be strong along with your brother and pray for your mother's health, she needs it so much right now. She's fighting for her life my sons so she could see you two again."

"Yes father. Harry wants to talk to you." William said crying, hearing the condition of her mother made him sad and afraid, he didn't want to lose his mum.

"Give it to him son."

"Dad when will mum return home? I'm scared for her, we watched you talk in the news early today." Harry was crying when he talked to his father and it broke Charles to hear his sons crying and hurting like him.

"She will return with me as soon as she's strong enough to return to you both. I promised you before leaving that I will return with your mum and we will be a family again didn't I?" Charles said to re-assure his youngest son. "I need to talk to your grandmother the queen, can you call her for me Harry?"

"Yes dad, grandmother is here near us." Harry told his father and called the queen.

"Charles how are you holding up? Your father left early morning joined by Diana's siblings to go there to Paris. We are all worried about you and Diana."

"I'm fine ma. It is Diana that I am worried about, she's barely hanging into life and badly injured. I don't know what I can do to help her and alleviate her pain." Charles broke down when he said this through the phone.

"Be strong for her Charles for the both of you and your children. I noticed it before you left and you announced it when you talked to the press, you called Diana your wife." The queen said wanting to know what his son's plans are really for him and Diana.

Charles knew his mother the queen will confront him about it anytime soon, "I meant what I said ma, Diana is my wife and will always be. After she pulls through this I will marry her again and this time I am marrying her because I love her. Why she had to go through a life and death situation for me to realize my feelings towards her I will never know, but this time I am fighting for her...for us."

"Is that why you asked the guards to keep Camilla away from our properties and to block her calls?"

"Yes, when Diana and I return to England I will personally deal with Camilla that everything about us are over and that she should live her life without me. For my life is for my wife Diana and my sons." Charles said it with conviction.

After talking to his family through the phone, Charles waited for his father and Diana's siblings to arrive. It was almost noon when they arrived at the hospital.

Philip immediately embraced his son when he saw him. "My son."

"Your royal highness." Diana's brother Charles greeted him and shook his hand.

Diana's sisters bowed and shook his hand also.

"She's in the other room, I only saw her once this morning. Her doctors are doing their best to keep her alive. Since I arrived, Diana's head doctor, Dr. Piers told me she covulsed twice but Diana managed to pull through both convulsions" Charles told them.

"Can we see her?" Diana's brother asked.

"If her doctors will allow it. They only allowed me to see her once for a brief period for they must monitor her round the clock."

"Thank you for everything you have done up to now for her your royal highness, despite your history with Duch you stayed here with her." It was Sarah Diana's elder sister who told him this.

"I owe her a lot Sarah and I meant what I said when I called her my wife earlier in front of the people and the press. I will make it up to her after she's well enough, I can assure that to all of you."

Diana's brother lay his hand on top of Charles' shoulder, "I am sure she will gladly take you back in a heartbeat, she still loves you even though it was that love that almost took her life. Just don't treat her like you did before, she's been through enough already."

Philip just silently listened, he always told Charles that as a man he will someday get his bearings straight and commit fully to his wife. Why it took him a divorce and a life threatening accident for his son to appreciate what was his he will enever understand.

Diana's siblings excused themselves and went outside to talk to Dr. Piers if they could see their sister.

"Your brothers bid you well, they asked me to tell you not to worry about your work and responsibilities at home for they will both take care of it and just focus on keeping yourself strong for Diana and your sons." Philip said to his son.

"I appreciate you coming here to see me pa and offer me support and tell my brothers I owe them a lot."

"Diana grew on them you know that, they value her as their own sister even after you two divorced."

"I also brought with me some of your things and more clothes since you will be staying here for quite sometime. When your mother told me about the accident and how you called Diana your wife, I knew right then that you will not leave her alone anymore."

This time it was Charles who embraced his father.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I am sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes.

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