Official Announcement

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Charles and Diana spent the night of their engagement by the fireplace cuddled to each other looking at their pictures together and the pictures of their sons while drinking wine and laughing at the story behind some of the photos.

"I'm glad you still kept our photos together." Charles said looking at their pictures together that was never shared with the public, it was during their private moments that it was taken.

"When we would have an argument before, I would look at these photos and I will not feel so sad anymore. It is what the psychologist subscribed me to do and it helped a lot on my depression." Diana said with a sad look remembering the past she shared with Charles.

Charles kissed Diana's forehead, "I am sorry for making you go through all that, you know I will take it back if I could."

Diana nodded, "Let's not think of the past anymore, we will be living a new life together Charles and that is what we should be looking forward to."

Charles embraced Diana, he's lucky to have a forgiving and loving woman like her on his side.

"I have a favor to ask though." Diana said and Charles looked at her curiously.

"Sure what is it?"

"Can we hold off the public announcement of our engagement for a week, I want to spend time with my brother and sisters in Althorp."

"Sure, I will drive you off at your family's estate tomorrow and we can have breakfast there before I leave for a meeting with the labor society in the afternoon. Besides we will have to announce to your family that we are engaged again."

"Thank you Charles...I hope it's not too much to ask but if you and the kids are free this weekend can we spend time together at Althorp?"

"I will check my schedule and our children's schedule with my secretary and free my weekend. Where do you want us to announce our engagement and give our interview?"

"Here, I want everyone to see where you went down on your knee to asked for my hand." Diana said with a smile.

Charles laughed, "Of course my love, you do know you are the only woman I will go down on my knee for."

Charles drove Diana to Althorp the following morning and announced their engagement during breakfast with Diana's family.

The rest of the week had been busy for both  Charles and Diana, the only time they could talk over the phone was during night when they were done with their activities for the day.

"Have you cleared my schedule for the weekend?" Charles asked his secretary.

"Yes your royal highness, I also cleared prince William and prince Harry's schedule."

"How about my family's schedule? Have you told them of my plan this sunday for a lunch with the Spencers in Althorp?" Charles added and wrote on his journal of his weekend plans with his family.

"Yes, I have coordinated with their secretary's about your planned lunch the only unavailable as of the moment is the queen."

"Ma's always busy but I am sure she can squeeze it through her schedule. How about the royal press are they informed about our announcement this coming week?"

"Yes, they will interview you and lady Diana this coming tuesday at Kensington Palace in the afternoon."

Charles closed his journal, "Great, now I have to go get my sons and prepare for our weekend at Althorp."

Charles and Diana spent the weekend together with their sons William and Harry at Althorp walking together and taking pictures together around the estate. During a picnic by the lake in the estate Charles and Diana announced to their children that they will be getting married again.

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