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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Heeseung ran towards the practice room, almost flying the stairs, to get his bag where the key of his car was placed.

After the call, and after he receives the address, he immediately spring away from the rooftop and made his way towards the stairs and in the elevator. He pushed the floor of the practice room whilst murmuring curses.

"What happened? " Felix asked who was trailing behind him, also wearing a worried yet confused expression.

"Ahrin– fuck! " By now, Heeseung didn't know what to do. His mind is disorganized and his heart was beating so loud.

"What happened?! "

He knew that it's not the time to feel jealous but he can't help but to glare at the other. He remembered what the other man told him and that made him livid.

If Ahrin is in danger now, then that only means that Tina and this man is involved with it, right?

While the elevator moving, Heeseung gripped the collar of Felix's shirt and slammed his body against the metal wall of the lift, his eyes held nothing but pure rage.

"Is this part of that plan you were talking about? Is this your plan?! Are you fucking involved-"

"What are you talking about? "

"Ahrin  is in danger! "

"W-what? "

Heeseung saw it. He saw the worry in the other's eyes and he refuse to believe that it's genuine. He didn't want to believe it. "If something bad happens to Ahrin, and found out that you're involved with this, I'll fucking kill you. " He said through gritted teeth and let go of the man's shirt.

As if on cue, the elevator opened and Heeseung immediately ran out of lift and towards the practice room. He immediately walked towards his bag, all the while praying, hoping that Ahrin is alright.

"Heeseung hyung. "

The man ignored whoever called his name, he only get his bag and made his way out of the room but a hand stopped him

"Heeseung hyung. "

He faced the person who gripped his arm. "Jay, let go. I need to get out of here! "

"Why? You can't, we have-"

"Jay, Ahrin is in fucking danger. I can't just sit here doing nothing while my fiancee-" A tear rolled down his cheeks from the mixed feeling he was feeling at the moment. "Just please, I need to go. "

"I'm sorry, Heeseung. " This time, it's the CEO himself was the one who spoke causing the man to face the other direction. "The US representative are here and it's an urgent meeting, we can't excuse you to leave. "

Is this what they call suffering because of your career? Is that what they say that you can't have both? It's either the one you love or your career? Is this the time wherein he needs to choose between the two?

Heeseung is about to have a mental breakdown but the door bursted opened, revealing an anxious Felix.

"I'll go. Give me the address. "



Hearing this, it made Ahrin snapped from her trance as he looked at the other. A sarcastic laugh escaped the her lips. She can't believe what she's hearing from the other. "No, YOU were happy while he wasn't, you selfish bitch! "

True. Tina did nothing but to cheat. Not just once but multiple times. And Heeseung endured it.

"Selfish? Yeah, I am and let me prove that to you. "

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