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Heeseung broke the kiss just as his phone rang through his pocket. He immediately put distance between them and fished out his phone, instantly answering it without looking the caller ID.

"Hey. " He spoke, averting his gaze from the blonde who stood frozen in the middle of the room.

"Do you know where my plushies are?" Sunoo's delicate soft voice made Heeseung sigh in relief that it's just one of the members, not some other staff in HYBE or worst, sasaengs.

"We have a meeting in the dorm? " He replied as he secretly wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

"What? No, I am just asking if you have seen my plu—"

"Like now? Okay, I'm on my way. " Then Heeseung immediately ended the call before the other could even reply.

He faced the confused blonde who is still standing on her spot that is now a little bit far from him.

He needs to put distance. And he needed to get out of here. He doesn't trust himself enough to be alone with her ex lover for a very long time as her presence alone is intoxicating. And he didn't know if he can still hold back if he stayed there, in the room with her. Alone.

"I need to go. " Heeseung spoke turning his back against her and walked out of the room.

"Wait! " Tina called, making him stop just right when he's in the living room, near the door.

"You know you can spend your ni—"

Heeseung shifted his body to fully face her. "Tina, I can't. Well, if you asked me before then maybe I'm willing to spend my night here but now, I just can't. I have my little family that is waiting for me. "

The girl laughed sarcastically making Heeseung's brow furrows. "Wow, now you're choosing her over me? Tell me, do you love her more than me? Is that it? "

The man blinked, hardly processing what just the other had said.

Choosing Ahrin..... Over her?

He scoffed, not believing what he just heard.

Didn't she want this?

For me to take care of Ahrin and the baby?

That's the reason why she ignored me, broke things with me, right?

And now she has the guts to ask me about choosing Ahrin over her?

Heeseung wanted to laugh and cussed right now, right at this moment. But he held himself back. Especially that Tina didn't like him cursing in front of her.

"You know what's my answer, Tina. I loved you, but you forced me to take care and be with somebody else. And now that I'm happy and contented with my family, you'll show up and ask me those questions? For what? "

"I love you." Tina whispered but loud enough for him to hear.

And Heeseung waited. He waited for the sparks, the unexplainable warmth, the euphoric feeling whenever he heard those three words that can weaken his knees before. He waited for those feelings, for his heart to accelerate in an abnormal pace, but few minutes had passed and yet he felt nothing.

He felt... Nothing even just a slightest bit of those feelings.

And that confuses him. The last time he checked, his heart belongs to Tina even though the girl ended everything they have. His feelings were directed to her, his world revolves around her.

Then why.... what the fuck?

"I'm sorry. " Heeseung replied, biting his lips afterwards.

"What? "

"Maybe I'm not the one for you and you're not the one for me. I realized that I have Ahrin and our baby. I already have a family and you, you don't deserve to be treated this way. You deserve someone better than me. I hope for you to be happy too, Tina. "

Heeseung gave the girl a one last glance before he turned his back against her direction and walked out of the condo and head towards the elevator and to the parking lot where he parked his car.

Once he found his black Mercedes, he immediately climbed inside and stayed their for a while. Thinking about the things that just happened and about his feelings.

He is confused. He is genuinely confused about his feelings.

Is he in love with Tina? Or he already moved on? But that's impossible. Tina is his first love and they dated for years.

But again, feelings confuses people. And Heeseung is one of those at the moment.

He sighed and closed his eyes for a short moment as he presses his fingers on his temple and gave it a massage.

He felt guilty. No, not from what he said to Tina. He's guilty for what happened inside of that room. He didn't know why but he doesn't have a strength to face Ahrin, the girl who's probably waiting for him, back to their condo. Their own home.

Heeseung was startled when his phone rang and that explained when his head hit the window of his car. He groaned and mumbled numerous curses as he fished out his phone out of his pocket. His eyes widen and immediately answered the call when he saw the caller ID.

"Pd nim! "

"Come here, I found the person behind the issue. "

Heeseung's heart accelerated as his jaw clenched. Whoever journalist that is, he will make sure to make that person pay.

"Which journalist, pd nim? "

"Heeseung, it's not a journalist and definitely not which. It's who."

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