Patience is a Virtue

Start from the beginning

He was curled up in a chair. Anna started by calling his name, just in case he was only resting his eyes, but he didn't wake. She knelt down beside him and tried to think of the nicest way to wake him. She decided to try stroking his hair.

"Yoongi. Yoongi. Suga. Min Yoongi. Lil Meow Meow. Kitty..."

It was then that Yoongi opened his eyes, giving Anna an odd look. She moved her hand away from where it was still stroking his hair and smiled sheepishly at him.

"I have to do your makeup, please."

He wrinkled his nose in protest of being woken up, but luckily for Anna, he got up without any protest. He followed her over to her makeup station and sat down on the chair in front of her.

Now it was time to start, Anna just stared at the items in front of her, overwhelmed. Where do I start? I don't know what to do! She was starting to panic when she felt a hand cover hers.

"You got this."

Anna stared at Suga, taking in his calm confidence. It was reassuring. And then he suddenly broke out into a gummy grin and she couldn't help but smile at the sight. The members of BTS had never failed to make her smile.

After that Anna carried on with her task, somewhat confidently. She was so focused that she didn't notice how close she was to her soulmate. However, he did.

Yoongi had felt euphoric when he made Anna smile earlier, but now he was finding it hard to have her so close to him for such a long period of time. There were so many moments when he could have just leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. It was only thanks to his immense self-restraint that he didn't. Although, he still clenched his fists every time she leaned in particularly close. I don't remember our usual makeup artists getting this close.

Once she had finished, Yoongi had never gotten up from a chair so fast as he did then. He gave Anna a thumbs up to tell her she did a good job before walking away and sending Hoseok over as he passed him.

Once J-Hope was sitting in Anna's make-up chair, he looked up at Anna expectantly.


Makeup, makeup, makeup. What's the word?! Hobi, having worked out what she was trying to say, whispered the first syllable.


"Makeup! I makeup... do."

She supposed two out of three words wasn't too bad.

"Woo! Go Anna!"

As she focused on her work once again, Anna couldn't help but smile. Hobi cheering her on made her feel as though her soulmate was proud of her. She decided then and there that she would try harder to speak as much in Korean as possible, even if it was very broken.

After his makeup was finished, Hoseok walked over to where Yoongi, Namjoon and Jimin were sitting, their makeup already done as well. When Suga saw the expression on Hoseok's face he started laughing.

"Suga Hyung, why are you laughing?"

Yoongi couldn't respond so he just pointed at Hoseok, who knew exactly why he was laughing.

"Anna just did my makeup."

"No fair! I want Anna to do my makeup!"

"But why is he laughing? She did a great job."

"Because he knows my pain."


"You try being that close to her for so long. It was torture! I just wanted to kiss her the whole time!"



"She looks so beautiful when she smiles, but then she kept biting her lip as if she was trying to suppress her smile and all I could focus on was her lips!"

"Shh, shh. It's okay."

Jin was now the one sitting in Anna's makeup chair.

"Close your... eyes."


"Eyes. Close."

Jin closed his eyes for a moment.

"Eyes. Open."

He opened his eyes, although he was confused as he hadn't felt her do anything.

"All done!"

Luckily Jin burst out laughing, having got the joke and hearing him laugh made Anna laugh too.

"Ha ha, joker! Worldwide Handsome Jin no need makeup!"

By the time Anna was doing Jin's makeup, she felt more confident having completed the process successfully twice already. As she was more relaxed, she started to notice exactly how close she was to her soulmate while she worked. Had it been the same for Yoongi and Hobi? How did I not notice?

Now that Anna had noticed her physical closeness to her soulmate, she started having flashbacks of other moments. Such as the breakfast in the hotel room all those weeks ago, where she had fallen off the chair and ended up in Jin's arms. Anna's cheeks heated up at her thoughts and the fact that she couldn't hide it, only made her blush worse.

As Jin watched her blush, he wondered if he was imagining the look in her eyes. As the oldest, he would pride himself on having the most self-control. However, he was also used to getting whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it. Therefore, he ended up needing to stop himself once or twice, when he found himself leaning forwards toward Anna. The longing look in her eyes, coupled with her rosy cheeks and red bitten lips made it almost too hard to resist.

Once Jin left the make-up chair he grabbed the first of his other soulmates that he came across and dragged them away to somewhere more private to release his frustration. At least he had six other soulmates he could kiss for now.

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